KamasamaK / vscode-cflint

An extension to integrate CFLint into Visual Studio Code.
MIT License
17 stars 9 forks source link

No problems shown #20

Open bardware opened 4 years ago

bardware commented 4 years ago

I'm using Code 1.40.2 and CFLint for Visual Studio Code in version 0.3.4. I'm surprised by the fact that the Problems view is empty all the time. I look into the console and see some errors related to your plugin. Does Code work differently, today, than it did, when you developed the Plugin?


zspitzer commented 4 years ago

I'm seeing the same problem


bardware commented 3 years ago

Today, I'm on VSCode 1.58.2, I see error

TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAPI' of undefined   
at activate (d:\vscode\cfml\exts\kamasamak.vscode-cflint-0.3.4\out\src\extension.js:695:43)
