Kamel-Media / Kamel

Kotlin asynchronous media loading and caching library for Compose.
Apache License 2.0
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GIF suppport #12

Open wooodenleg opened 2 years ago

wooodenleg commented 2 years ago

Does Kamel support GIFs (animated image)? I couldn't find any mention of it in README or using repository search.

alialbaali commented 2 years ago

No it doesn't. The reason is that Kamel focuses more on Desktop than Android. You can see this issue which has a sample about a GIF Composable, however, last time I tested it, the performance was terrible. And that's the reason, Kamel doesn't support loading GIFs yet.

DRSchlaubi commented 1 year ago

Any updates?

luca992 commented 1 year ago

@DRSchlaubi If you or someone else creates a pr with animated image support I can take a look. I don't have time to look into it atm

PMARZV commented 6 months ago

any updates on this?? this could be a game changer! Btw this library is far better than coil imo, had a lot of problems and when i changed to this one for my multiplatform migration, all the problems disappeared!!! Congrats on the library!

luca992 commented 6 months ago

I still don't have time at the moment. Prs are welcome

luca992 commented 4 months ago

Next release should have support for gifs 👍


luca992 commented 3 months ago

released in v1.0.0-beta.5 lmk if there a problems... as I've only tested with a single gif :sweat_smile:

PMARZV commented 3 months ago

testing it tomorrow

PMARZV commented 3 months ago

i have tested it and i works perfectly.

I have noticed that when using "media.kamel:kamel-image-default:1.0.0-beta.5" in common main and targeting only (for example) desktop, the build fails because it doesnt find "io.ktor:ktor-client-core:3.0.0-wasm2" (even though im not targeting wasm), it only works after adding "maven(url = "https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/kotlin/p/wasm/experimental")" to dependencyResolutionManagement in settings gradle. I have then tested to add the same Kamel dependency to an android project and same thing.

Btw minSdk = 28 in android, that must be because you require something that its not available in lower versions right? (Error: uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 21 cannot be smaller than version 28 declared in library [media.kamel:kamel-decoder-animated-image-android:1.0.0-beta.5])

Without these issues, everything is working as expected!

luca992 commented 3 months ago

@PMARZV Yeah I'm still waiting for a non-experimental ktor build with wasm support. Didn't realize it would require consumers of the library to have to add that repo though. On the stable 0.9.x branch I'm still keeping wasm and non-wasm builds separate so the the non-wasm build can have a stable ktor... But for the beta, I just don't want to deal with it haha. I'm just going to keep it beta until a non-experimental ktor build is out.

And unfortunately, the skia rendering implementation is not available on android... and AndroidAnimatedImage is API level 28.

There's probably a way to make android decoder that supports API level 21 by adding a dependency (or writing something custom)... but I probably would make that a separate android only decoder. If anyone wants to make a pr to figure that out, be my guest.