Kamikaze94 / WolfHUD

Payday 2 HUD
480 stars 237 forks source link

Game crashes when I join a lobby. #965

Open bmark2003 opened 1 year ago

bmark2003 commented 1 year ago


Expected Behavior

The game to work.

Current Behavior

If I try to join a lobby, or to create one, the games crashes.


BLT log

Please include the contents of your BLT log around the time the bug appeared.
You can find the BLT log inside your games "/mods/logs/" folder.

BLT Log [03:07:33 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\debug\blt_debug.cpp:124) Command line: "D:\Games\PAYDAY2\payday2_win32_release.exe" 03:07:33 PM WARNING: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:34) Could not open signature cache file 03:07:33 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:350) Scanning for signatures in payday2_win32_release.exe 03:07:33 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_call 03:07:33 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_pcall 03:07:34 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_gettop 03:07:34 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_settop 03:07:34 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_toboolean 03:07:34 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_tointeger 03:07:35 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_tonumber 03:07:35 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_tolstring 03:07:35 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_objlen 03:07:35 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_touserdata 03:07:35 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function luaL_loadfilex 03:07:35 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function luaL_loadstring 03:07:35 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_loadx 03:07:36 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_getfield 03:07:36 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_setfield 03:07:36 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_createtable 03:07:36 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_newuserdata 03:07:36 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_insert 03:07:37 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_replace 03:07:37 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_remove 03:07:37 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_newstate 03:07:37 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_close 03:07:38 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_gettable 03:07:38 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_settable 03:07:38 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_setmetatable 03:07:38 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_getmetatable 03:07:38 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_pushnumber 03:07:39 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_pushinteger 03:07:39 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_pushboolean 03:07:39 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_pushcclosure 03:07:39 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_pushlstring 03:07:39 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_pushstring 03:07:40 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_pushfstring 03:07:40 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_checkstack 03:07:40 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_pushvalue 03:07:40 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_pushnil 03:07:40 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function luaI_openlib 03:07:41 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function luaL_ref 03:07:41 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_rawget 03:07:41 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_rawset 03:07:41 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_rawgeti 03:07:41 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_rawseti 03:07:42 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_type 03:07:42 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_typename 03:07:42 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function luaL_unref 03:07:42 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_equal 03:07:42 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function luaL_newmetatable 03:07:42 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function luaL_checkudata 03:07:43 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function luaL_error 03:07:43 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lua_error 03:07:43 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function node_from_xml 03:07:43 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function do_game_update 03:07:43 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function luaL_newstate 03:07:43 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function Archive_ctor 03:07:43 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function lj_cf_rawset 03:07:44 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:379) Sigcache hit failed for function index2adr 03:07:44 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:293) Found signature #1 for asset loading at 4585008 03:07:44 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:293) Found signature #2 for asset loading at 5064256 03:07:44 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:293) Found signature #3 for asset loading at 7807184 03:07:44 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:293) Found signature #4 for asset loading at 8471792 03:07:44 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:402) Scanned for 56 signatures in 11250 milliseconds with 57 cache misses 03:07:44 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:406) Saving signature cache 03:07:44 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:117) Saving 61 signatures 03:07:44 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:133) Done saving signatures 03:07:44 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\dbutil\DB.cpp:127) Start loading DB info 03:09:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\debug\blt_debug.cpp:124) Command line: "D:/Games/PAYDAY2/payday2_win32_release.exe" -epic -AUTH_LOGIN=unused -AUTH_PASSWORD=380475c674de48de8b5d29ebb40108a2 -AUTH_TYPE=exchangecode -epicapp=7d6b8784bab94d6cac5fea5ab7bb07a4 -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername="gtMARK989" -epicuserid=70d273101f9c434a8a799ed990f3db1b -epiclocale=en -epicsandboxid=3b661fd6a9724ac7b6ac6d10d0572511 03:09:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:350) Scanning for signatures in payday2_win32_release.exe 03:09:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:402) Scanned for 56 signatures in 0 milliseconds with 0 cache misses 03:09:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\dbutil\DB.cpp:127) Start loading DB info 03:09:15 PM WARNING: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\tweaker\wrenloader.cpp:486) Wren base file not found, Wren VM disabled - the basemod may be corrupted 03:09:25 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\util\compression.cpp:169) Extracting blt_basemod_download.zip to mods 03:12:46 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\debug\blt_debug.cpp:124) Command line: "D:/Games/PAYDAY2/payday2_win32_release.exe" -epic -AUTH_LOGIN=unused -AUTH_PASSWORD=bdee5ca40eac4ca19abdee4311005760 -AUTH_TYPE=exchangecode -epicapp=7d6b8784bab94d6cac5fea5ab7bb07a4 -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername="gtMARK989" -epicuserid=70d273101f9c434a8a799ed990f3db1b -epiclocale=en -epicsandboxid=3b661fd6a9724ac7b6ac6d10d0572511 03:12:46 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:350) Scanning for signatures in payday2_win32_release.exe 03:12:46 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:402) Scanned for 56 signatures in 0 milliseconds with 0 cache misses 03:12:46 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\dbutil\DB.cpp:127) Start loading DB info 03:12:46 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:12:51 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1038) Checking for updates 03:12:51 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Creating missing directory mods/downloads 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Creating missing directory mods/saves 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:12:51 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:12:51 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\dbutil\DB.cpp:242) Finished loading DB info: 269486 files in 4776 ms 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:12:51 PM Lua: [WolfHUD] ERROR: Error while loading, settings file could not be opened (mods/saves/WolfHUD_v2.json) 03:12:51 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:12:51 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:13:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:486) HTTP request to https://sblt-update.znix.xyz/pd2update/updates/meta.php?id=payday2blt 03:13:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\http\http.cpp:39) CURL_INITD 03:13:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:486) HTTP reque03:14:03 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\debug\blt_debug.cpp:124) Command line: "D:/Games/PAYDAY2/payday2_win32_release.exe" -epic -AUTH_LOGIN=unused -AUTH_PASSWORD=a89979e72d6841afb095919c4a035fd1 -AUTH_TYPE=exchangecode -epicapp=7d6b8784bab94d6cac5fea5ab7bb07a4 -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername="gtMARK989" -epicuserid=70d273101f9c434a8a799ed990f3db1b -epiclocale=en -epicsandboxid=3b661fd6a9724ac7b6ac6d10d0572511 03:14:03 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:350) Scanning for signatures in payday2_win32_release.exe 03:14:03 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:402) Scanned for 56 signatures in 0 milliseconds with 0 cache misses 03:14:03 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\dbutil\DB.cpp:127) Start loading DB info 03:14:03 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:14:03 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\dbutil\DB.cpp:242) Finished loading DB info: 269486 files in 340 ms 03:14:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1038) Checking for updates 03:14:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:14:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:14:07 PM Lua: [WolfHUD] ERROR: Error while loading, settings file could not be opened (mods/saves/WolfHUD_v2.json) 03:14:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:14:07 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:14:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:486) HTTP request to https://sblt-update.znix.xyz/pd2update/updates/meta.php?id=payday2blt 03:14:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\http\http.cpp:39) CURL_INITD 03:14:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:486) HTTP request to https://sblt-update.znix.xyz/pd2update/updates/meta.php?id=payday2bltwsockdll 03:14:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\Initiat03:16:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\debug\blt_debug.cpp:124) Command line: "D:/Games/PAYDAY2/payday2_win32_release.exe" -epic -AUTH_LOGIN=unused -AUTH_PASSWORD=ad5b36b972254c25b998697d19e3f49f -AUTH_TYPE=exchangecode -epicapp=7d6b8784bab94d6cac5fea5ab7bb07a4 -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername="gtMARK989" -epicuserid=70d273101f9c434a8a799ed990f3db1b -epiclocale=en -epicsandboxid=3b661fd6a9724ac7b6ac6d10d0572511 03:16:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:350) Scanning for signatures in payday2_win32_release.exe 03:16:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:402) Scanned for 56 signatures in 0 milliseconds with 0 cache misses 03:16:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\dbutil\DB.cpp:127) Start loading DB info 03:16:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:16:07 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\dbutil\DB.cpp:242) Finished loading DB info: 269486 files in 333 ms 03:16:11 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1038) Checking for updates 03:16:11 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:16:11 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:16:11 PM Lua: [WolfHUD] ERROR: Error while loading, settings file could not be opened (mods/saves/WolfHUD_v2.json) 03:16:11 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:16:11 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:16:19 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:486) HTTP request to https://sblt-update.znix.xyz/pd2update/updates/meta.php?id=payday2blt 03:16:19 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\http\http.cpp:39) CURL_INITD 03:16:19 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:486) HTTP request to https://sblt-update.znix.xyz/pd2update/updates/meta.php?id=payday2bltwsockdll 03:16:19 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\Initiat03:21:09 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\debug\blt_debug.cpp:124) Command line: "D:/Games/PAYDAY2/payday2_win32_release.exe" -epic -AUTH_LOGIN=unused -AUTH_PASSWORD=05c0db010ba74952be1470fc788b6336 -AUTH_TYPE=exchangecode -epicapp=7d6b8784bab94d6cac5fea5ab7bb07a4 -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername="gtMARK989" -epicuserid=70d273101f9c434a8a799ed990f3db1b -epiclocale=en -epicsandboxid=3b661fd6a9724ac7b6ac6d10d0572511 03:21:09 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:350) Scanning for signatures in payday2_win32_release.exe 03:21:09 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:402) Scanned for 56 signatures in 0 milliseconds with 0 cache misses 03:21:09 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\dbutil\DB.cpp:127) Start loading DB info 03:21:09 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:21:09 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\dbutil\DB.cpp:242) Finished loading DB info: 269486 files in 343 ms 03:21:13 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1038) Checking for updates 03:21:13 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:21:13 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:21:13 PM Lua: [WolfHUD] ERROR: Error while loading, settings file could not be opened (mods/saves/WolfHUD_v2.json) 03:21:13 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:1007) Initiating Hook 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLogs 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTModManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTDownloadManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTKeybindsManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTPersistScripts 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTLocalization 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTNotificationsManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Loading module: BLTAssetManager 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Cleaning logs folder, lifetime 1 day(s) 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: base 03:21:13 PM Lua: [INFO] [BLT] Setting up mod: WolfHUD-master 03:21:21 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:486) HTTP request to https://sblt-update.znix.xyz/pd2update/updates/meta.php?id=payday2blt 03:21:21 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\http\http.cpp:39) CURL_INITD 03:21:21 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\InitiateState.cpp:486) HTTP request to https://sblt-update.znix.xyz/pd2update/updates/meta.php?id=payday2bltwsockdll 03:21:22 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\Initiat]

Crash log(s)

If the bug is causing a crash, please provide the contents of your crashlog.
You can find your crashlog in "%localappdata%/Payday 2/crash.txt"

Crash.txt [---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 12 15:13:52 2023 Application has crashed: C++ exception mods/WolfHUD-master/lua/RichPresence.lua:478: attempt to index global 'Steam' (a nil value) SCRIPT STACK Call() @mods/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:86 func() @mods/base/lua/BaseNetworkSession.lua:14 _on_peer_removed() @mods/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:272 remove_peer() lib/network/base/basenetworksession.lua:343 remove_peer() lib/network/base/clientnetworksession.lua:685 on_join_request_cancelled() lib/network/base/clientnetworksession.lua:236 callback_func() lib/network/matchmaking/networkmatchmakingepic.lua:874 button_pressed() lib/managers/dialogs/dialog.lua:61 button_pressed() lib/managers/dialogs/genericdialog.lua:375 button_pressed_callback() lib/managers/dialogs/genericdialog.lua:371 mouse_press() lib/managers/dialogs/genericdialog.lua:123 lib/managers/mousepointermanager.lua:345 ------------------------------- Callstack: payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? KERNEL32 (???) BaseThreadInitThunk ntdll (???) RtlInitializeExceptionChain ntdll (???) RtlClearBits ------------------------------- Current thread: Main ------------------------------- System information: Application version : 1.139.195 CPU : AMD Ryzen 9 5900HS with Radeon Graphics (8 cores); SSE; SSE2; SSE3; SSSE3; SSE4.1 DirectX : 12.0 GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU / nvldumd.dll[] Language : english Memory : 15776MB 348KB OS : 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1 (64 bits) Physics : threaded Renderer : DX9 threaded Sound : Realtek Semiconductor Corp. (Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 12 15:14:24 2023 Application has crashed: C++ exception mods/WolfHUD-master/lua/RichPresence.lua:470: attempt to index global 'Steam' (a nil value) SCRIPT STACK Call() @mods/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:86 func() @mods/base/lua/BaseNetworkSession.lua:9 on_peer_entered_lobby() @mods/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:272 original() lib/network/base/basenetworksession.lua:1385 on_entered_lobby() @mods/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:264 on_enter_lobby() lib/managers/menumanagerpd2.lua:56 cb() lib/network/matchmaking/networkmatchmakingepic.lua:915 on_join_request_reply() lib/network/base/clientnetworksession.lua:172 lib/network/base/handlers/connectionnetworkhandler.lua:60 ------------------------------- Callstack: payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? KERNEL32 (???) BaseThreadInitThunk ntdll (???) RtlInitializeExceptionChain ntdll (???) RtlClearBits ------------------------------- Current thread: Main ------------------------------- System information: Application version : 1.139.195 CPU : AMD Ryzen 9 5900HS with Radeon Graphics (8 cores); SSE; SSE2; SSE3; SSSE3; SSE4.1 DirectX : 12.0 GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU / nvldumd.dll[] Language : english Memory : 15776MB 348KB OS : 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1 (64 bits) Physics : threaded Renderer : DX9 threaded Sound : Realtek Semiconductor Corp. (Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 12 15:16:57 2023 Application has crashed: C++ exception mods/WolfHUD-master/lua/RichPresence.lua:470: attempt to index global 'Steam' (a nil value) SCRIPT STACK Call() @mods/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:86 func() @mods/base/lua/BaseNetworkSession.lua:9 on_peer_entered_lobby() @mods/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:272 original() lib/network/base/basenetworksession.lua:1385 on_entered_lobby() @mods/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:264 on_enter_lobby() lib/managers/menumanagerpd2.lua:56 cb() lib/network/matchmaking/networkmatchmakingepic.lua:915 on_join_request_reply() lib/network/base/clientnetworksession.lua:172 lib/network/base/handlers/connectionnetworkhandler.lua:60 ------------------------------- Callstack: payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? KERNEL32 (???) BaseThreadInitThunk ntdll (???) RtlInitializeExceptionChain ntdll (???) RtlClearBits ------------------------------- Current thread: Main ------------------------------- System information: Application version : 1.139.195 CPU : AMD Ryzen 9 5900HS with Radeon Graphics (8 cores); SSE; SSE2; SSE3; SSSE3; SSE4.1 DirectX : 12.0 GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU / nvldumd.dll[] Language : english Memory : 15776MB 348KB OS : 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1 (64 bits) Physics : threaded Renderer : DX9 threaded Sound : Realtek Semiconductor Corp. (Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 12 15:21:36 2023 Application has crashed: C++ exception mods/WolfHUD-master/lua/Utils/LoadoutPanel.lua:820: attempt to index global 'Steam' (a nil value) SCRIPT STACK set_outfit() @mods/WolfHUD-master/lua/Utils/LoadoutPanel.lua:320 init() @mods/WolfHUD-master/lua/Utils/LoadoutPanel.lua:248 new() core/lib/utils/coreclass.lua:35 populate_loadout_panel() @mods/WolfHUD-master/lua/EnhancedCrewLoadout.lua:204 init_original() @mods/WolfHUD-master/lua/EnhancedCrewLoadout.lua:86 init() @mods/WolfHUD-master/lua/EnhancedCrewLoadout.lua:17 new() core/lib/utils/coreclass.lua:35 create_contract_gui() lib/managers/menu/menucomponentmanager.lua:2826 create() lib/managers/menu/menucomponentmanager.lua:2821 original() lib/managers/menu/menucomponentmanager.lua:520 set_active_components() @mods/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:264 core/lib/managers/menu/coremenulogic.lua:89 _execute_action_queue() core/lib/managers/menu/coremenulogic.lua:54 update() core/lib/managers/menu/coremenulogic.lua:64 update() core/lib/managers/menu/coremenumanager.lua:155 update() lib/managers/menumanagerpd2.lua:20 update() lib/setups/setup.lua:897 original() lib/setups/menusetup.lua:361 update() @mods/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:264 core/lib/setups/coresetup.lua:559 ------------------------------- Callstack: payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? payday2_win32_release (???) ??? KERNEL32 (???) BaseThreadInitThunk ntdll (???) RtlInitializeExceptionChain ntdll (???) RtlClearBits ------------------------------- Current thread: Main ------------------------------- System information: Application version : 1.139.195 CPU : AMD Ryzen 9 5900HS with Radeon Graphics (8 cores); SSE; SSE2; SSE3; SSSE3; SSE4.1 DirectX : 12.0 GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU / nvldumd.dll[] Language : english Memory : 15776MB 348KB OS : 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1 (64 bits) Physics : threaded Renderer : DX9 threaded Sound : Realtek Semiconductor Corp. (Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)) ]
0vrDrive commented 1 year ago

У меня есть такая же проблема

danggtr commented 1 year ago

In folder PAYDAY2/mods/WolfHUD-master/lua. Delete files 1.TabStats.lua 2. RichPresence.lua 3. EnhancedCrewLoadout.lua

bmark2003 commented 1 year ago

Wow thanks, not it works!