Kanaries / pygwalker

PyGWalker: Turn your pandas dataframe into an interactive UI for visual analysis
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Causal Analysis Support in Pygwalker #196

Open rishabmps opened 11 months ago

rishabmps commented 11 months ago

Ability to do no-code causal analysis using the same open-source capability as in RATH from a Jupyter notebook attached to a powerful cluster. Data can be available as either pandas, polars, or Pyspark df.

longxiaofei commented 11 months ago

Hi, I'm curious what you use causal analysis of rath for?

Also, how do you want to use causal analysis in pygwalker?

ObservedObserver commented 11 months ago

I did have plan to migrate some of the causal analysis ability to pygwalker from RATH. It can be interesting to do causals with both python and interactive causal graphs in RATH.

But causal analysis is the least used feature in RATH. Many causal features can only effects ideal cases, while the reality is the opposite. So it bothers me to add heavy features that few people use in pygwalker.

If you are a causal analysis user, it would be great if you could share how you used it and how you plan to use it. It will help us make a better decision.