Kane610 / axis

Python library enabling easy communication with Axis devices and its metadatastream
MIT License
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P8221, once again #493

Open sproit opened 1 week ago

sproit commented 1 week ago

Hi, I understand that the P8221 with its old firmware does not fit in this repo's architecture. I've got one at home which I'm using for various home automation applications. It's currently used through a couple of quick developments mashed together.

I'd like to clean it up for me personally and make it as native as possible in home assistant, and I was wondering if it would make sense to merge the future code I would produce into this repo, or would that make a big mess as it would likely do everything different than you're doing right now?

My end goal is to have something clean which I can control through HASS, if others can benefit, even better. There's not a lot of people using old stuff like the P8221, but it's so reliable it'll probably keep on running for the coming 10 years, I don't want to replace it.

Kane610 commented 1 week ago

Sure, let's just understand what you want first.

Its last firmware was 5.10 so it's probably missing the events and things like that, what functionality would you like to add?

sproit commented 1 week ago

Currently using: digital inputs, digital outputs. To use those I'm using a Rust wrapper (could have been any language, I wanted a toy project for Rust) which does HTTP polling and publishes / subscribes to an MQTT broker. From there on it's an easy way into home assistant. It's this wrapper I'd like to get rid of, I much prefer centralized code instead of sewing everything in my house together with loose bits of code. If someone else can use it too, that's a bonus.

I'm also looking into using the serial port for custom stuff, which would probably map badly onto the home assistant ecosystem, I need to think a bit about that part. But at least the IOs seem like something that could and should be used in Home Assistant, if we forget about the way Axis stuff currently fits into Home Assistant.

Also, sorry for posting this here (wrong repo), but I figured it would be easier to contact you here than in the big Home Assistant repo.