Improve the network to suggest more than one grasping location, and use more than one grasp as ground truth.
Multi-Grasp Detection
The preceeding models assume that there is only a single correct grasp per image and try to predict that grasp. MultiGrasp divides the image into an NxN grid and assumes that there is at most one grasp per grid cell. It predicts one grasp per cell and also the likelihood that the predicted grasp would be feasible on the object. For a cell to predict a grasp the center of that grasp must fall within the cell.
The output of this model is an NxNx7 prediction. The first channel is a heatmap of how likely a region is to contain a correct grasp. The other six channels contain the predicted grasp coordinates for that region. For experiments on the Cornell dataset we used a 7x7 grid, making the actual output layer 7x7x7 or 343 neurons. Our first model can be seen as a specific case of this model with a grid size of 1x1 where the probability of the grasp existing in the single cell is implicitly one.
Training MultiGrasp requires some special considerations.
Every time MultiGrasp sees an image it randomly picks up to five grasps to treat as ground truth. It constructs a heatmap with up to five cells marked with ones and the rest filled with zeros. It also calculates which cells those grasps fall into and fills in the appropriate columns of the ground truth with the grasp coordinates. During training we do not backpropagate error for the entire 7x7x7 grid because many of the column entries are blank (if there is no grasp in that cell). Instead we backpropagate error for the entire heatmap channel and also for the specific cells that contain ground truth grasps.
Improve the network to suggest more than one grasping location, and use more than one grasp as ground truth.
Multi-Grasp Detection
The preceeding models assume that there is only a single correct grasp per image and try to predict that grasp. MultiGrasp divides the image into an NxN grid and assumes that there is at most one grasp per grid cell. It predicts one grasp per cell and also the likelihood that the predicted grasp would be feasible on the object. For a cell to predict a grasp the center of that grasp must fall within the cell.
The output of this model is an NxNx7 prediction. The first channel is a heatmap of how likely a region is to contain a correct grasp. The other six channels contain the predicted grasp coordinates for that region. For experiments on the Cornell dataset we used a 7x7 grid, making the actual output layer 7x7x7 or 343 neurons. Our first model can be seen as a specific case of this model with a grid size of 1x1 where the probability of the grasp existing in the single cell is implicitly one.
Training MultiGrasp requires some special considerations. Every time MultiGrasp sees an image it randomly picks up to five grasps to treat as ground truth. It constructs a heatmap with up to five cells marked with ones and the rest filled with zeros. It also calculates which cells those grasps fall into and fills in the appropriate columns of the ground truth with the grasp coordinates. During training we do not backpropagate error for the entire 7x7x7 grid because many of the column entries are blank (if there is no grasp in that cell). Instead we backpropagate error for the entire heatmap channel and also for the specific cells that contain ground truth grasps.