What is it?:
Explain your proposed feature/enhancement here.
To Be Implemeneted In: Explain when you think the enhancement should be implemented for (e.g. important enough for release 1.0.0, or could wait a little longer?)
Progress: Please start this with 'Not Confirmed'. Will be edited to 'Not Started' or 'WIP' when agreed upon by the Dev Team to be added as a feature.
Feel free to include screenshots / other images to explain further if needed/wanted.
What is it?: Explain your proposed feature/enhancement here.
To Be Implemeneted In: Explain when you think the enhancement should be implemented for (e.g. important enough for release 1.0.0, or could wait a little longer?)
Progress: Please start this with 'Not Confirmed'. Will be edited to 'Not Started' or 'WIP' when agreed upon by the Dev Team to be added as a feature.
Feel free to include screenshots / other images to explain further if needed/wanted.