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are content scripts sandboxed? #13

Closed braco closed 12 years ago

braco commented 12 years ago


window.foo = "window";
document.foo = "document";
foo = "local";

e = document.createElement("script");
e.setAttribute("src", "http://site.com/external_script.js");


console.log typeof window.foo, typeof document.foo, typeof foo


undefined, undefined, undefined

any idea whats going on?

akrylysov commented 12 years ago

All content scripts are sandboxed. If you want to include external script, you should use kango.xhr + eval.

braco commented 12 years ago

@kadot, why not expose a reference between the sandbox and main context?

braco commented 12 years ago

Firefox 15 throws this warning:

Exposing chrome JS objects to content without __exposedProps__ is insecure and deprecated. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPConnect_wrappers for more information. @ chrome://[...]/content/kango/lang.js:50

when accessing data.response here:

    kango.xhr.send(details, function(data) {


if script DOM injection doesnt work and something like unsafeWindow isnt exposed, it would be very nice if there was a built in way to load external scripts without a hassle. this could be used for google-hosted jquery and whatever else the user needs. xhr won't cache, will it?

braco commented 12 years ago

For anyone finding this thread in the future, the context still needs to be passed in:

    kango.xhr.send.call(this, details, function(data) {

which seems to (??) eliminate the Firefox warning above.

akrylysov commented 12 years ago

exposedProps issue fixed in v 0.9.9

akrylysov commented 12 years ago

why not expose a reference between the sandbox and main context?

Technical limitation of Chrome, Safari and Opera.