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Create a web or mobile app to search a bookstall in bookfair #100

Open tshrinivasan opened 4 years ago

tshrinivasan commented 4 years ago

In chennai bookfair, it is very tough to search for any book stalls from inside the venue.

There are stall list only on front side. We have to walk long to see the list from back side.

We need a website, mobile app to search the location of any given stall.

Display the stalls like cinema ticket booking screen and highlight the searched stall.

Make the system configurable for any bookstall anywhere happening.

tshrinivasan commented 3 years ago

Shared few thoughts here - https://goinggnu.wordpress.com/2021/03/01/project-idea-create-a-mobile-app-or-website-to-find-stalls-on-any-bookfair/

We can have a mobile app or website to list down all the stalls, their stall numbers, the way stalls are arranged, with few small custom maps or images to get info on all stalls etc.

The internet wont work on the chaotic place like bookfair, so we need to give all the data as local data. App or site should work without internet. Before going to bookfair, user should open the app/site to load the data locally.

We can display the stalls order as image or we can have live map over OpenStreepMap, if GPS works well inside the bookstalls. If we can provide maps with GPS, it will be a great app to explore the stalls quickly.

tshrinivasan commented 3 years ago



Hope we can use these.

tshrinivasan commented 3 years ago

Indoor navigation is a solved problem with beacons, try meridian from Aruba or Beconstac

Comment from kamesh in chennaily mailing list.

gnurenga commented 3 years ago

Indoor navigation is a solved problem with beacons, try meridian from Aruba or Beconstac

Comment from kamesh in chennaily mailing list.

For this we need physical wifi device.

I feel there is another solution we can try,

option 1

Let say we give two interface one is for user and other is for shop keeper. using shop keeper data we can upload the map.

When a user reaches a particular shop or walking around the hall using the shopkeeper data we can map the user location. This can be done via blue tooth. Challenge is how to pair when a device go near a particular shop and unpair when it goes to next. I am not sure like this any solution already present in the market.

option 2

Use BLE Beacons

Bluetooth also broadcast beacons instead of pairing we can use shokeeper and user beacons to map the user location.

option 3

Location based on user input and floor plan.

We provide the floor plan, let say user wants to find the location where they are standing, just they need to enter the shop no near to them( left or right or back or front) and click enter. Then the floor plan needs to appear with their location. From there they can understand the distance of other stalls. we can also provide a box to enter source shop no and destination shop no, then a navigation line appear on the floor plan with direction.

From my point of view option 3 is a bit easy solution compare to beacons based indoor mapping.

gnurenga commented 3 years ago

This is not only for bookfair. It is also applicable to any expos like for example CES and also conferences.

gnurenga commented 3 years ago

Option 3 idea came from a IT park where they have a photo of floor plan in each floor at different location. Suppose we want to find a meeting room we just need to find one such a map on the wall in that floor. The map points on the floor here you are ( the current standing location) and then we can determine which way we should go. Like this in that building I saw lot of physical floor plan sticked on to the wall.