KanoComputing / terminal-quest

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Make challenges suitable to be translated #15

Open CarolineClark opened 9 years ago

CarolineClark commented 9 years ago

Things we need to address:

iamarf commented 9 years ago

Hi Caroline,

I'm involved in teaching technology stuff in various circumstances at the University of Florence (http://iamarf.org).

I'm going to use Kano in a project where I will help teachers in a primary school. I would like to use your terminal-quest - very nice, and the teachers appreciated.

But I have to translate it in Italian. It is too difficult in English for Italian pupils.

Unfortunately, I'm in a hurry and I got just some spare time to do this. Therefore I can just translate the package, such it is.

As far as I understood I should do the following:


1) the file names of the objects in /usr/share/pyshared/linux-story/ascii_assets/story-files

2) the explanations of commands in those files, such as CAT, for instance

3) the names of those files, wherever they appear in all the appropriate *.py

4) the story texts, in the 92 files: /usr/share/pyshared/linux-story/story/challenges/challenge_*.py

5) all the appropriate names in /usr/share/pyshared/linux-story/story/trees/default_trees.yml

am I correct or something is missing?

Ciao Andreas

CarolineClark commented 9 years ago

Hi Andreas,

Thanks for your interest! However my understanding is that Kano OS is not fully i18n-aware, so even if Terminal Quest is translated, users will still see the default English text. Firstly we need to get Terminal Quest in a state where it can easily be translated, rather than translate it in the state it is in now (which I didn't make very clear in this ticket).

I'm really happy to hear about your interest, and I'll talk to my colleagues about this on Monday who have a bit more experience in this area.

iamarf commented 9 years ago

Thanks, Caroline,

well, for those pupils it would be not so bad to see the English text, as well.

I could begin the translation, so that, say in November, I will be able to work in these classes and help the teachers. In the meanwhile, if you will put the Terminal Quest in the right state to be easily translated, it will be easy to merge things.

These will be useful for the translation in other languages.

I'm spreading very much the ideas of the Kano project, using a box I bought last year (raspberry B). I ordered two new ones, one with the new monitor, and I let buy other three in the school where we will make the experimentation, involving the pedagogy department of the University of Florence.

The Kano approach is very clever - it's pointing in the right direction.

Thanks for talking with your colleagues Best regards

CarolineClark commented 9 years ago

Hi Andreas,

I'm really happy you're enjoying the Kano kit. So to clarify, this ticket was supposed to be about making Terminal Quest translatable - as you pointed out, there are an unreasonable number of places that you need to translate. So I'd be tempted to suggest that you don't translate Terminal Quest while the repo is like this.

However, it obviously would be useful for us to have an Italian translation, and we could host the translated Terminal Quest package separately to the English version (until we have translations on the system) so you could install it for your students.

It depends how hard it is for you to translate it the way it is. If this kind of mixture of text and code is confusing, I would suggest we leave it until more work has been done making it easier. https://github.com/KanoComputing/terminal-quest/blob/master/linux_story/story/challenges/challenge_10.py#L65-L80

iamarf commented 9 years ago

Thank you Caroline,

yes, I understand that the right thing would be to i18n-ize the package. For a while, this afternoon, I considered the possibility, but I realized that this would require too much time. Perhaps later on.

However, I'm highly motivated to have this story translated by the end of October, more or less. It's the right moment. A number of teacher and my colleagues pedagogists at the uni of Florence are interested, as a result of a rather long work I have done to convince people about the value of coding, command line approach and so on. Thus we will experiment using 4 Kano in two classes, starting in November.

The mixture of text and code is not particularly confusing. It's just much work for spare time, but it's worthwhile. Therefore, I will fork the Terminal Quest repository, clone in one of the Kano system I have and proceed to do the translation.

What I don't know exactly, right now, is how to install the package in the Kano system, to make checks during the work. May be you can give me a hint ...

Thanks Andreas

CarolineClark commented 9 years ago

Hi Andreas,

I work by copying the Terminal Quest repo into the home directory of the Pi and then running ./terminal-quest/bin/linux-story-gui -d challenge 2 1 (the numbers are examples). The numbers 2 1 would launch challenge_2.py and the Step1 class inside. The -d stops the GUI being hidden while it is loading, so that I can see any tracebacks.

To edit the files, I use sshfs, which mounts the home directory of the Pi on my computer. I can then work off the files on the Pi as though they are on my computer, which allows me to use any text editor I want.

To get sshfs for Mac you can install OSXFuse, http://osxfuse.github.io/ I'm less sure how to get it for Windows or Linux - maybe this will be useful https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-sshfs-to-mount-remote-file-systems-over-ssh

To connect using sshfs on my Mac, I create a pi directory on my Mac to mount my Pi on: mkdir ~/pi and then find the IP of my Kano and connect using sshfs kano@xx.xx.xx.xx:/home/kano ~/pi where kano is the username of running user on my pi.

I'm not very experienced with using Windows, but I can attempt to help if you get stuck. Alternatively, you can just work with ssh or directly on the Pi.

Let me know if you have any problems!

iamarf commented 9 years ago

Oh, thanks for these detailed instructions!

I'm an almost "pure" Linux guy :) Yes, I could easily use sshfs from my linux box but, since my usual editor is vi, which should work pretty well in an ssh terminal, I will go straight on that way, probably.

I'll keep you informed. Thanks Caroline

iamarf commented 8 years ago

Hi Caroline,

just to tell you that I'm going on and to let you see the changes. I Have translated the first 10 challenges so far. Now I'm sure to be able to have the work finished for the beginning of the project in the primary school of Strada in Chianti (some 20 Km from Florence), which will start in November.

The teachers like very much the story. I will also show the story with a kano in a number of schools all over Italy.

Ciao and thank you! Andreas

CarolineClark commented 8 years ago

Hi Andreas,

Oh wow oh wow, that's so cool to hear! :D Thank you so much for your work! Do you want me to do any testing yet, or should I wait until more of it is translated? I'm going on holiday next week (7th - 13th October), but I'll be back before November if you want us to build and host the translated package for you. Thanks again, this is really exciting :)


iamarf commented 8 years ago

Ok Caroline,

Let me go on for a while - at the end of this week we'll see how much I'll have done. Thanks to you, this stuff is really fun.. I'm discovering the story while translating :-D


iamarf commented 8 years ago

So Caroline,

I have translated all the existing 31 challenges. But the story is not finished... what a surprise! I was really taken! What's going to happen now? Do you already know? :)

In CodeBook.md I have written which are the files where there is still something to be translated. I keep going on but, in the meanwhile, if you have time, it could make sense to test the package, as it is.

Ciao Andreas

CarolineClark commented 8 years ago

This is amazing! I've shared it with everyone at work, we're so excited having this available in Italian :)

Going through this fork today on Kano OS, I can't imagine how much work must have gone into translating this. There are a few places where there are tracebacks and some English remaining, I've listed all the places I found a problem. There might seem like a lot, but they are all pretty minor and I've broken them down as much as possible so they're all easy to check off.

text = (
    "\nEleonora: {{Bb:Sono contenta di stare qui. Clara "
    "mi piace.}}"

otherwise the application freezes in quite an ungraceful way (I need to fix this).

These are some story files that need translating

These are some english hints that are in the challenges

I noticed in CodeBook.md you listed some files that still need translating, so I'm not sure if you're aware of the english hints in the following files. I've included them for ease of reference, but I understand that you probably just haven't had time to translate them yet.

Nano hints:

These are hints shown in the terminal side if you use cd or mv when you don't need to.

iamarf commented 8 years ago

Oh grazie! I'm going to fix and translate all these points. Probably, I'm going also to switch back to the English names - Eleanor, Ruth and so on - because both the teachers and the Education science researchers, who will work with me in the classes, think that it would be good to have English names for the kids. OK: I'll do it :) By the way, are you planning to continue the story or are you waiting for feedbacks from the users?

jnachtigall commented 8 years ago

@carolineclark Any progress here? I see that this issue is marked with backlog. Terminal Quest was the reason why I bought the nano for my kids. And I was really, really looking forward to this. But it I think it is not usable in this state (german in our case), I just learnt now...

We have not unpacked the Nano yet, so to be honest I am thinking of returning it (no attempt at blackmail, just to be frank)

alex5imon commented 8 years ago

Hi @jnachtigall

We are a small team and i18n (translations) is a huge task. We are trying to tackle it in small steps, but as you see it's quite slow. At the moment the dev team is focused on fixing existent problems reported by our users during the holiday and new products. The aim of the company is to make as many people as possible happy.

Thanks for your standing.

iamarf commented 8 years ago

Hi @alex5imon. Just discovered that Caroline is no more there :(

I translated the whole package in Italian and used it in a classroom of primary school 9 year old kids with success. I'm planning to use it in other projects with other schools. You can pull the Italian version if you like, for the Italian market.

By doing the translation, I realized that, given the structure of terminal-quest, quite deep changes have to be done, in order to apply i18n concepts.

Terminal-quest is brilliant. The story is not finished yet. It is worthwhile to continue it, in my opinion.

Regards Andreas

alex5imon commented 8 years ago

Hi Andreas,

Yes, she changed jobs a couple of months ago. I'm happy for her, she has done an amazing work here at Kano :)

That translation is awesome, we have a couple of Italian developers here at Kano, I'll make sure they try. Thanks a lot for your contribution, hopefully this will help to push our i18n work.

iamarf commented 8 years ago

Hi Alex,

here you have a video excerpt of my last lab with K-4 kids.: Discovering computers and code

It has been a very successful experience. Some teachers are asking me for the Italian version of Terminal Quest. I'm sending them the software with the instructions to launch the game from the shell. However we would appreciate if you, at Kano, could include this package among the others, so that people could download it from your repository.

Here, at the University of Florence , I'm teaching technology to a couple of classes of future teachers (some 600 people) and I have been charged with the responsibility of the European project eTwinning for University of Florence. Tomorrow and Wednesday I have a meeting in Bruxelles about that. I'm willing to extdend the Kano experience in a project involving some European school. Would like to imagine the continuation of the Terminal Quest story.

I will tell you about that.

Thanks Andreas

Ealdwulf commented 8 years ago

Thanks so much for this amazing work Andreas! I'm sorry we don't have time to merge it properly now, but I've made a version we can build here: https://github.com/KanoComputing/terminal-quest/tree/italian-version. When we next do a release, it will make its way into the repository so people can download it. The package name will be linux-story-italian. Doing apt-get install linux-story-italian will automatically remove the English version and install the italian one.

iamarf commented 8 years ago

Thanks! Andreas

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 12:11 PM, Alex Burr notifications@github.com wrote:

Thanks so much for this amazing work Andreas! I'm sorry we don't have time to merge it properly now, but I've made a version we can build here: https://github.com/KanoComputing/terminal-quest/tree/italian-version. When we next do a release, it will make its way into the repository so people can download it. The package name will be linux-story-italian. Doing apt-get install linux-story-italian will automatically remove the English version and install the italian one.

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/KanoComputing/terminal-quest/issues/15#issuecomment-219392554

http://iamarf.org/ Twitter: @iamarf

oscarand commented 8 years ago

I tried apt-get install linux-story-italian on my child's Kano and it works! Now the Terminal Quest is in italian! This package will be maintened/updated in future? Thank you Andreas!

alex5imon commented 8 years ago

Our pleasure @oscarand

We are working to localise the whole system, although I have to say it's a lengthy and costly process. However thanks to guys like you @oscarand @iamarf this process becomes possible! So hopefully in a near future linux-story won't need a specific Italian package, but it will be included in the main one with multiple other languages.

iamarf commented 8 years ago


Oh, I'm glad! I translated the Terminal Quest in Italian last year because I needed for a project I've done in a primary school. Here you have some info: https://iamarf.org/tag/kano/. However, if you write me an email to arf(AT)unifi(DOT)it, I'll send you the reference to see some video about the project. It would be nice to continue the story of Terminal Quest. If new chapters will be added I will try to translate them as well. In this sense I hope to be able to maintain the Italian version, yes.


Oh, that are good news! Yes, I believe it's a costly project. Hope you are able to foster it. I'm planning to use Terminal Quest with many schools, in Italy as well as in Europe, through the eTwinning project, where I'm representative of the University of Florence. From this perspective, a multi-language version of Terminal Quest would be really interesting. It would be also nice to propose, in eTwinning, a project to let various classes propose ideas for continuing the story. I will let you know.

Thanks again Andreas

iamarf commented 8 years ago

Hi all, I was trying to do sudo apt-get install linux-story-italian because several of my students would like to install this package. I could send them my version of the Italian package, telling them how to start it by hand from a shell, but it would be nicer to tell them how to install it from the repositories. However apt-get says:

Unable to locate package linux-story-italian

I updated the system before.

By doing apt-cache search story I see that linux-story only is there.

What I'm missing?

Thanks Andreas

oscarand commented 8 years ago

Hi, I've installed italian package only running the apt get command. The package was yet into repository, but a couple of days before I upgraded Kano OS to 3.3 version.

Oscar Andreis Il 12/Giu/2016 19:19, "Andreas" notifications@github.com ha scritto:

Hi all, I was trying to do sudo apt-get install linux-story-italian because several of my students would like to install this package. I could send them my version of the Italian package, telling them how to start it by hand from a shell, but it would be nicer to tell them how to install it from the repositories. However apt-get says:

Unable to locate package linux-story-italian

I updated the system before.

By doing apt-cache search story I see that linux-story only is there.

What I'm missing?

Thanks Andreas

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oscarand commented 8 years ago

Andreas I'm a software developer and a Linux user, there is a way I can help you to translate some other part of Kano?

Oscar Andreis Il 12/Giu/2016 19:19, "Andreas" notifications@github.com ha scritto:

Hi all, I was trying to do sudo apt-get install linux-story-italian because several of my students would like to install this package. I could send them my version of the Italian package, telling them how to start it by hand from a shell, but it would be nicer to tell them how to install it from the repositories. However apt-get says:

Unable to locate package linux-story-italian

I updated the system before.

By doing apt-cache search story I see that linux-story only is there.

What I'm missing?

Thanks Andreas

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/KanoComputing/terminal-quest/issues/15#issuecomment-225449045, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe/AS3qo5KDEgfyrygoQQqz3xUNxalNz5s9ks5qLD-kgaJpZM4C97B3 .

Ealdwulf commented 8 years ago

@iamarf : You need to do sudo apt-get update first, f you are only using the command line, although if you did an update, it should have done this for you. The only other alternative I can think of is if you are on the old wheezy release, which doesn't have an upgrade path to the new jessie releases - then you would have to download a new image.

iamarf commented 8 years ago

@Ealdwulf Yes, first I did sudo apt-get update as well. But now I understand: I'm on wheezy, then I should download the new image. I must also ask what do my students have... Thanks

@oscarand I'm not planning to translate other components, have no time to do that. The case of Terminal Quest was different because I needed it for a project and in this case the story is a large and fundamental part, too difficult for Italian 9 year old kids. Unless new chapters will be added there is nothing to do now.


iamarf commented 8 years ago

@Ealdwulf Yes, it was the "jessie problem". It works. Thanks

carlogarro commented 6 years ago

Hello, I would also like to do the same that @iamarf did, but with Spanish language. Could you please guide me a little bit?
