Open cleanerspam opened 2 months ago reports the same bug on the wrong repository, and it's marked as "cannot reproduce."
If you're having the same issue it's not a one-off like I thought.
For initial troubleshooting, I will ask for a somewhat detailed report on your hardware, Motherboard, GPU, CPU, Ram amount, and any non-standard additions (PCI-E add in cards, etc.)
@cleanerspam I've just pulled in several patches from upstream nvidia and mirkobromin's fork of this image, which should fix most outstanding nvidia issues.
Can I get you to pull that update (once it finishes compiling which should be no more than 10 minutes) and see what issues, if any, remain present so I can debug further?
I have switched to universal-blue aurora edition coz it was immutable and kde was working good.
I can test on vm if you want
If you can create a vm with an nvidia graphics card be my guest, but I find PCI-e passthrough is not overly reliable and the bug was in the nvidia drivers, not other software.
Issue Description
After first login you cant see wallpaper , it is black and even on changing it remains black No option to configure Display or Touchpad All the icons on taskbar are squished to left side , even resetting layout does not helps
Steps to Reproduce
Install Vanilla OS From abroot.json switch to kanola-images/nplasma abrooot upgrade
On first and subsequent boots these bugs will show
On what version of Kanola does this happen?
Additional Information
These bugs are limited to nvidia variant , I am now using kanola-images/plasma which is free from these bugs but their nvidia cant be used