KantaraInitiative / wg-uma

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How are client-contributed scopes mapped to resources during authorization assessment? #328

Closed xmlgrrl closed 6 years ago

xmlgrrl commented 7 years ago

@nynymike and Yuriy asked how a client-preregistered and -requested scope is supposed to be bound to resources. Does it get bound to resources in the permission ticket?

Though I think the example in Grant Sec 3.3.4 sort of makes the logic sort of clear, we need to be much clearer (and take the mystery away for implementers). Here was my attempt at a quick restatement:

For the sake of completeness, here's a full rationale:

Do we agree that's correct?

nynymike commented 7 years ago

Yes, I think the clarification is helpful.

ciseng commented 7 years ago

Yes, I think that helps too.

jricher commented 7 years ago

This is inline with my interpretation as well -- it adds scopes to the existing resource requests.