KaoushikMurugan / DCCDiscordBot

Discord Bot for Davis Cube Club
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Leaderboard system #8

Open jzkyu opened 6 months ago

jzkyu commented 6 months ago

I remember Josh telling me to set the "school" record for blindfolded - I'm currently trailing behind Brandon by about 30 seconds lol. Then it gave me an idea:

I think it would be cool to create a leaderboard system that can show the rankings of Davis students amongst different events (can also be extended to anyone who uses the bot and has a profile in the database).

This is primarily for records set in WCA competitions, but the bot could also hold records for comp sims and other unofficial events we may have.

This would be a fun way for a student to see how they fare against other students - some friendly competition - and also see historical data from previous Davis students in the future (I hope this club continues on after we're gone).

What it could ideally do:

/rankings <event> - creates an embed of the top 5 Davis students of that event. Optionally, we could maybe have it be a leaderboard for anyone register with our bot, and then filter by Davis students.

On this embed, it would show: event as header, ranking as rows, followed by name, record time, date set for columns

/rankings <user> - for the current user, show their rankings for each of the events they have participated in

On this embed, it would show: name as header, events as rows, followed by record time, date set for columns.