Kapeli / Dash-Annotations

The source code for the Dash annotations server
MIT License
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Couldn't connect to annotations server #8

Closed CiTroNaK closed 9 years ago

CiTroNaK commented 9 years ago

Hi, I've followed the installation guide and installed a custom Annotation Server at for example dash.mydomain.com. At browser I can see {"status":"error","message":"Not logged in"}.

I told it to Dash

defaults write com.kapeli.dashdoc AnnotationsCustomServer "https://dash.mydomain.com"

After Dash app restart I can see only this error message Couldn't connect to annotations server.

I am using HTTPS with valid certificate.

Is there anything I've done wrong?

Thank you.

Kapeli commented 9 years ago

Can you tell me what the server is? Have you tried without https if it works? Is the certificate self-issued?

CiTroNaK commented 9 years ago

It is working only with https. Certificate is from startssl.com. Please write me to my email (you can find it in my profile here). I will send you what you want for finding the problem and solution. Thank you.