Kapeli / Dash-User-Contributions

Dash repo of user contributed docsets
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Request: htmx #4021

Open GabDug opened 1 year ago

GabDug commented 1 year ago

URL: https://htmx.org/ Docs source (uses eleventy): https://github.com/bigskysoftware/htmx/tree/master/www

wader commented 8 months ago

Started working on a docset here https://github.com/wader/htmx-dash-docset any help much appreciated

augustogoulart commented 4 months ago

Looking forward to this as well

wader commented 4 months ago

@augustogoulart added a prebuilt docset to the repo if you want to try it out without building stuff

augustogoulart commented 4 months ago

Thanks, @wader. Looking great! Some links like Sections > Core Attribute Reference still reaching for external resources, but I believe you have those mapped out already.

Is the TODO up to date? If you're looking for contributions, feel free to create issues for the open TODOS and I will grab something.

Thanks for spearheading this.


wader commented 4 months ago

Thanks, @wader. Looking great! Some links like Sections > Core Attribute Reference still reaching for external resources, but I believe you have those mapped out already.

Thanks! yeap it's a bit of a mess atm.

Is the TODO up to date? If you're looking for contributions, feel free to create issues for the open TODOS and I will grab something.

I think it is quite accurate but probably missing things. For example when browsing to an attribute the index on the left will only show just that attribute, i think it is because each attribute is it's own html file. Maybe can preprocess by concat all of them?

Thanks for spearheading this.



Yeap is a mess 😄

Maybe we can continue dicussing at https://github.com/wader/htmx-dash-docset maybe easiest for you is to just jump in and try fix something to get familiar with how the docs are generate and how dashing works? maybe have previous experience? also if you have idea how to generate the docs in better way, custom zola theme etc?, please go ahead a try, the current way was just what happen to work.

xantiagoma commented 1 month ago

For anyone that might help, I generated some docsets and create Feed URLs, HTMX is one of them https://zealusercontributions.vercel.app/generated