KaraWatts / ManateeWatch

Manatee Tracking App - Give users a tool to help them find manatees in the wild and pay it forward by sharing their own manatee sightings
MIT License
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Allow users to take photo within app #7

Open KaraWatts opened 3 months ago

KaraWatts commented 3 months ago

Allow app to gain access to users device camera to display video and capture images that can be stored within the app.

KaraWatts commented 3 months ago

Commit 528baef Attempted to use navigator.mediaDevices to access camera and display video which worked great. But capturing the image into canvas leads to a low quality image that is not ideal for capturing wildlife images especially from moving vehicles like boats.


Need to do additional research for other options - currently going to put feature on hold and stick with photo upload. Feature may be limited to mobile only app.