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Transaction cancellation in 51%-attack #1

Open aivve opened 5 years ago

aivve commented 5 years ago

Typical 51% attack on the cryptocurrency exchanges can be boiled down to the cancelling of the transaction during a switch to the alternative chain. To be able to cause a blockchain reorganization the malicious actor will need to gain control of more than 50% of a network’s hashrate, hence the name.

Put simply, the attacker submits to the network a transaction in which deposits coins to the exchange, while privately mining a blockchain fork in which a double-spending transaction is included instead or a deposit transaction is just absent. After waiting for n confirmations, the exchange credits coins to attacker account. He sells deposited coins and withdraws other currency. If the attacker happened to find more than n blocks at this point, he releases his fork and regains his coins; otherwise, he can try to continue extending his fork with the hope of being able to catch up with the network. If he never manages to do this, the attack fails, the payment to the exchange will go through, and the work done mining will also be wasted, as any new coins would be overwritten by the longest chain. [1]

The exchanges can require the large number of confirmations n, but if an attacker can continue to mine his alternative chain however long, this method will not protect the exchange. Nowadays, when there is available very large amount of hashrate for rent at attacker’s disposal we need better solution than just raise the n.

We propose the solution to disallow cancelling transactions during a switch to the alternative chain by adding the consensus rule stating that “an alternative chain should contain all transactions from the chain it is to replace”.

The protection against 51% attack will then look like this: in the case of a reorganization of the blockchain nodes compare transactions in the alternative chain and in the current main (their) chain and if at least one transaction is missing in their chain they reject the reorganization.

In this case missing transactions will be added into the mempool of the nodes proposing the alternative chain so they have chance to include those transactions into the next block then nodes on the main chain will reorganize to theirs chain and the reorganization will take place if their chain is longer. This allows to unite blockchain in the case of accident splits by the longest chain rule when it is not an attack or in the scenario where transaction is just missing from the attacker’s alternative chain.

In the case of contradicting transactions the nodes will endup in permanent chain split and will require manual intervention as both chains will reject each other because each will lack transaction from the other. In this situation the attacker will permanently lock himself in his alternative reality.

With this rule if there is no contradicting transactions the blockchain can split and rejoin up to the length where the first transaction spending newly mined coins occurs, in other words, the reorganization length can be reduced to the mined money unlock window parameter’s value since miners can protect their chain just by spending mined coins as soon as they unlock. Therefore, to allow larger reorganizations this parameter should be set at reasonable value.

The simple attack on network to cause chain spit: an attacker sends same coins to himself via different nodes and if two nodes include contradicting transactions into different blocks they will go astray each in own chain. To mitigate such attack the comparison of transactions should be triggered not immediately when the reorganisation occurs but if an alternative chain is longer than usual reorganisation which is rarely more than 2 blocks.

[1] https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Irreversible_Transactions


Too good to be true. What I am missing here?

zakurai commented 5 years ago

The "grace period" you propose at the end has a few advantages, but it can also be exploited to double spend. An attacker can take a transaction mined many blocks ago on the current chain, and include it in a block inside the grace period in their candidate fork. This way nodes will accept the reorg because it includes all transactions. But then you can cause another small reorg smaller than the grace period, mining a double spend of that transaction and invalidate it. This double spend will now succeed because of the lack of checking inside the grace period.

A possible solution is to check the transactions mined in the grace period of a candidate fork, and see how long ago (how many blocks ago) they were included on the original chain, and reject the fork if that number is too high.

zakurai commented 5 years ago

Actually, instead of that^ solution, a better one might be to just ignore transactions mined inside the grace period in both the current chain, and the candidate fork, for the purpose of checking.

Transactions brought forward from older blocks on the old fork into a block inside the grace period now cannot allow a reorg, because that transaction is not seen on the candidate fork during checks.

aivve commented 5 years ago

Discard grace period and perform transactions revise on any reorganization; in the case of chain split follow the majority of masternodes which require significant collateral that adds economic protection layer. Masternodes can also form a decentralized checkpoints system.

zakurai commented 5 years ago

Determining the side of the split the majority of all masternodes (possibly over 2000 nodes) landed on might be tricky to do quickly, and it does need to be quite fast. There should be a way to deterministically select a subset of masternodes, and then follow the majority of that subset, so yeah basically decentralised checkpointing.

aivve commented 5 years ago

So we've returned to checkpoints 😃