KarchinLab / 2020plus

Classifies genes as an oncogene, tumor suppressor gene, or as a non-driver gene by using Random Forests
Apache License 2.0
48 stars 17 forks source link

Errors: libicuuc.so.54 not found #24

Open edceeyuchen opened 1 year ago

edceeyuchen commented 1 year ago

Type: <class 'ImportError'> Exception: libicuuc.so.54: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Traceback: File "/share/home/luoylLab/zengyuchen/biosoft/2020plus-1.2.3/2020plus.py", line 263, in import src.classify.python.classifier File "/share/home/luoylLab/zengyuchen/biosoft/2020plus-1.2.3/src/classify/python/classifier.py", line 3, in from src.classify.python.r_random_forest_clf import RRandomForest File "/share/home/luoylLab/zengyuchen/biosoft/2020plus-1.2.3/src/classify/python/r_random_forest_clf.py", line 4, in import rpy2.robjects as ro File "/share/home/luoylLab/zengyuchen/.conda/envs/2020plus/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rpy2/robjects/init.py", line 16, in import rpy2.rinterface as rinterface File "/share/home/luoylLab/zengyuchen/.conda/envs/2020plus/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rpy2/rinterface/init.py", line 92, in from rpy2.rinterface._rinterface import (baseenv,

AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED: check the log file

ctokheim commented 6 months ago

This might be a problem with the installed rpy2 being incompatible with the installed R. I would suggest re-installing R and rpy2 using consistent installation sources, as suggested by this post: https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge.github.io/issues/234