Kavita is a fast, feature rich, cross platform reading server. Built with the goal of being a full solution for all your reading needs. Setup your own server and share your reading collection with your friends and family.
Changed: Changed a lot of modals to be more consistent in how they open and their size to be slightly larger.
Fixed: Fixed a bug where pdfs were showing word count instead of page count.
Fixed: ensure we don't hit a duplicate key when updating person information (develop) (Fixes #3350)
Fixed: Fixed person detail page, clicking on a role not opening a filtered view (develop)
Fixed: Fixed bad css on person badge (develop)
Fixed: Fixed the ability to reset person cover image (develop)
Fixed: Fixed a bug where Kavita would think valid crons are invalid (develop)
Fixed: Ensure Jumpkeys are grouped non-case sensitive (Fixes #3358)
Fixed: Fixed a case where getting roles for a Person wasn't checking both Series and Chapter metadata (in the case of komf updating directly one entity) (develop)
Fixed: Fixed a bug where want to read page was using a custom query passed through the filtering pipeline, thus breaking some combos. (Fixes #3353)