KarelZe / anki-decks

This is a collection of flashcard decks created for classes at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
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Switch to CrowdAnki plugin #1

Closed gnarlex closed 2 years ago

gnarlex commented 2 years ago

+100 Karma for helping future KIT students out :1st_place_medal:

IMO this repository has a lot of potential! Unfortunately, Anki decks are per default exported as binary *.apkg files, making it harder for other students to contribute (e.g. create pull requests for typos).

There is an Anki plugin called CrowdAnki which exports a deck as folder containing a JSON file and a media folder (for screenshots, etc.). You can see an example of another (KIT) Anki repo using it here: sebimarkgraf/synopses-anki

KarelZe commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the praise @gnarlex.

You are definitely right, having binary files makes contributions really difficult. I'll look into CrowdAnki over the next days. Thanks for the suggestion :-)

I might just provide both:

  1. The crowd-anki version for people who want to contribute / have the add-on installed
  2. An automatically exported deck for people, who have no add-ins installed

Is there a specific deck, with which we should start?

Best, Markus

gnarlex commented 2 years ago

Providing both the binary and the crowd-anki version might be a good idea 👍 Although having duplicate information in separate files might be prone to change drift ("Alice udpates binary, Bob updates deck.json"). In the long-term there should be some pipeline job automatically creating binaries from the JSON file in a separate folder.

There's no specific deck I need right now, but I could make a PR to show what it would look like :v:

KarelZe commented 2 years ago

Thanks Alex for your PR.

I'd provide the ready-to-use .apkg files for studying only. Editing should definitely happen in the .json files. So far I had no contributions to the .apkg files, so I guess it shouldn't be a problem, if this process was one-way.

I'll look into creating automatic binaries over the winter break and discuss it here with you.

Stay awesome.


KarelZe commented 2 years ago

We will switch to ki as tracked in #4 .

Changes can be made in markdown files. That is, users don't need Anki or the crowd anki extension to make changes. Also, support for providing binaries is possible.