Kariaro / VRigUnity

VRM hand tracking using mediapipe
MIT License
149 stars 31 forks source link

hips movement #71

Closed saibai closed 1 year ago

saibai commented 1 year ago

Hi, how can I free up the movement of the hips in 3D space? What is the part that is blocking the hips? thanks

Kariaro commented 1 year ago

Currently the app can only add 3D rotations to the legs but it can’t move around in 3D. The hips are in a fixed position.

If this is something you want you could make a feature request 👍

saibai commented 1 year ago

I developed an app for iPhone, and now I would like to be able to move the "VRM" avatar in 3D space. I would like to know which part of the code I should focus on in order to do this. Could you give me any advice or suggestions?and for sure the request feature;-)

Kariaro commented 1 year ago

You are allowed to reference parts of this code but you are not allowed to copy.

This project is source available meaning that I hold full copyright of the code but I also share code publicly. This might change in the future but right now the code is locked.

If you want more resources on how to use Holistic Tracking you can read more on Mediapipes page: https://google.github.io/mediapipe/solutions/holistic

You can also search for other examples or code that has been written in other repositories that does this.

You need to look at the data given from Pose Landmarks and estimate the 3D position. There are sources that can help you with how you convert from 2D screen space to 3D space. I don't know how accurate the depth estimation is from the AI so you might have to tinker to get the values to look correct.

saibai commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the suggestions. I am developing an app for myself and I have only taken inspiration from your great project. If I ever decide to sell it, I will contact you to know what rights I have. My interest is to create an app for motion capture, to animate characters in Blender. So far, I have achieved good results, but it's certainly not complete.