KaringX / karing

Simple & Powerful proxy utility, Support routing rules for clash/sing-box
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fake host #114

Open Graveyard9988 opened 4 weeks ago

Graveyard9988 commented 4 weeks ago

I know that Karing uses SingBox core, but there's an essential feature in one of the xray customized cores (forks) that has added "Fake host" to the fragment section that can rescue users. Here's details: https://github.com/GFW-knocker/Xray-core/blob/v1.8.10-wireguard-fakehost/proxy/freedom/freedom.go

I hope you can add this to the fragment section of your app.


GooRingX commented 4 weeks ago

tls sni [settings-tls]?

Graveyard9988 commented 4 weeks ago

Here's an example for fake host that is enabled for ws configs:



Tls sni is different that I asked in other issue to add in Karing.