KaringX / karing

Simple & Powerful proxy utility, Support routing rules for clash/sing-box
1.44k stars 71 forks source link

Request: Sharing by link or QR code #142

Open bfapps opened 2 weeks ago

bfapps commented 2 weeks ago

Hi. The app is great and thanks for all the efforts you put into it. It was a life saver to me. However, it could be much better if it gave us an option to share link or QR code of our connections. For example, I find a VMESS connection and want to save it for the future before it gets deleted because of updates of my subscriptions. Currently, I’m unable to extract its link and save it to use it later. Please kindly add this feature or let me know if it already exists.

Many thanks in advance, Best wishes!

johnayman0 commented 2 weeks ago

this ⬆️⬆️. another feature but i guess it will take sometime is the ability to edit the profile like password, port, sni, etc. like in v2rayN

GooRingX commented 2 weeks ago

this ⬆️⬆️. another feature but i guess it will take sometime is the ability to edit the profile like password, port, sni, etc. like in v2rayN