Karm / mandrel-integration-tests

Integration tests for GraalVM and its Mandrel distribution. Runs Quarkus, Helidon and Micronaut applications and small targeted reproducers. The focus is solely on native-image utility and compilation of Java applications into native executables.
Apache License 2.0
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Smart getProperty(... was too smart with container runtime property #176

Closed Karm closed 11 months ago

Karm commented 11 months ago

Regression caused by fed26dd, happens for some podman settings on command line, e.g.

mvn clean verify -Ptestsuite-builder-image -Dquarkus.version=3.2.3.Final -Dquarkus.native.container-runtime=podman

must work too. Not just QUARKUS_NATIVE_CONTAINER_RUNTIME env prop.