Karm / mandrel-integration-tests

Integration tests for GraalVM and its Mandrel distribution. Runs Quarkus, Helidon and Micronaut applications and small targeted reproducers. The focus is solely on native-image utility and compilation of Java applications into native executables.
Apache License 2.0
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[23.1] helidonQuickStart fails due to experimental options warning #189

Closed jerboaa closed 10 months ago

jerboaa commented 10 months ago

It fails with:

helidonQuickStart{TestInfo}  Time elapsed: 60.555 s  <<< FAILURE!
build-and-run.log log should not contain error or warning lines that are not whitelisted. See /disk/graal/upstream-sources/mandrel-integration-tests/testsuite/target/archived-logs/org.graalvm.tests.integration.RuntimesSmokeTest/helidonQuickStart/build-and-run.log and check these offending lines:
[INFO] Warning: The option '-H:IncludeResources=io/helidon/common/media/type/default-media-types.properties' is experimental and must be enabled via '-H:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' in the future.
[INFO] Warning: The option '-H:IncludeResources=META-INF/helidon/media-types.properties' is experimental and must be enabled via '-H:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' in the future.
[INFO] Warning: Please re-evaluate whether any experimental option is required, and either remove or unlock it. The build output lists all active experimental options, including where they come from and possible alternatives. If you think an experimental option should be considered as stable, please file an issue.
[INFO] Warning: The option '-H:Path=/disk/graal/upstream-sources/mandrel-integration-tests/apps/helidon-quickstart-se/target' is experimental and must be enabled via '-H:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' in the future.
[INFO] Warning: The option '-H:IncludeResources=application.yaml|META-INF/native-image/reflect-config.json|logging.properties' is experimental and must be enabled via '-H:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' in the future.
[INFO] Warning: The option '-H:ReflectionConfigurationResources=META-INF/native-image/io.netty/transport/reflection-config.json' is experimental and must be enabled via '-H:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' in the future.
[INFO] Warning: The option '-H:Name=helidon-quickstart-se' is experimental and must be enabled via '-H:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' in the future. ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
        at org.graalvm.tests.integration.RuntimesSmokeTest.testRuntime(RuntimesSmokeTest.java:166)
        at org.graalvm.tests.integration.RuntimesSmokeTest.helidonQuickStart(RuntimesSmokeTest.java:227)
jerboaa commented 10 months ago


export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/mandrel
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
mvn clean verify -Dquarkus.version=999-SNAPSHOT -Ptestsuite -Dtest=RuntimesSmokeTest#helidonQuickStart
jerboaa commented 10 months ago

All the integration test is doing is invoking mvn package. The rest is driven by the helidon-maven-plugin. We might need to remove/disable helidon when 24.0 comes out and blocks experimental flags use without unlock. For now I'm going to allow list the new warnings.