Karm / mandrel-integration-tests

Integration tests for GraalVM and its Mandrel distribution. Runs Quarkus, Helidon and Micronaut applications and small targeted reproducers. The focus is solely on native-image utility and compilation of Java applications into native executables.
Apache License 2.0
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Versioned thresholds #234

Closed Karm closed 7 months ago

Karm commented 7 months ago

fixes #228

Thresholds properties

We need to switch on and off certain tests depending on native-image versions used, on host vs. container and most importantly, based on Quarkus version.

We use method annotations for that, e.g. @IfQuarkusVersion(min = "3.6.0"), or @IfMandrelVersion(min = "23.0.0", inContainer = true).

We also use properties in text files to validate whether particular thresholds were crossed, e.g. whether the app used more RAM than expected or whether the measured time delta between JVM HotSpot mode and native-image mode was bigger than expected.



The current .conf format enhances .properties format with the power of using the annotation strings, see:

# Comments and empty lines are ignored

@IfQuarkusVersion(min ="2.7.0", max="3.0.0")

@IfQuarkusVersion(min ="3.5.0", max="3.5.999")
@IfMandrelVersion(min = "23.1.2", minJDK = "21.0.1" )

@IfQuarkusVersion(min ="3.6.0")

@IfMandrelVersion(min = "24", minJDK = "21.0.1" )

Properties are being added to a map top to bottom, overwriting their previous values unless an @If constraint fails. If a condition fails, the following properties are not added to the map until the next @If constraint is met.

If two @If constraints follow immediately one after the other, they both MUST be true to process the following properties.

Take a look at ThresholdsTest.java and its threshold-*.conf test files for a comprehensive overview.

The parsing logic is compatible with plain .properties files as we have been using before, i.e. any key-value pair where the value is interpreted as the long type.

Karm commented 7 months ago

eh, gonna fix WInodws

Karm commented 7 months ago

The problem is that my code is now forcing inContainer version check even on a system where container might not be available, e.g. Windows. I think I'd just drop the ability to specify threshold for container apps specifically. We haven't had container specific thresholds anyway to date I'd say.

Nope. The problem was newlines in the fake multiline native-image.cmd....

Karm commented 7 months ago

This is ready for a review now...

Karm commented 7 months ago

@zakkak notes addressed, merging