Karm / mandrel-integration-tests

Integration tests for GraalVM and its Mandrel distribution. Runs Quarkus, Helidon and Micronaut applications and small targeted reproducers. The focus is solely on native-image utility and compilation of Java applications into native executables.
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Allow list warnings regarding new quarkus version when building with quarkus main #263

Closed jerboaa closed 1 week ago

jerboaa commented 1 week ago

The builds of 23.0 Mandrel fail the mandrel IT tests due to those warnings showing up:

 Error:  Failures: 
Error:    DebugSymbolsTest.debugSymbolsQuarkus:306 build-and-run.log log should not contain error or warning lines that are not whitelisted. See /home/runner/work/mandrel/mandrel/mandrel-integration-tests/testsuite/target/archived-logs/org.graalvm.tests.integration.DebugSymbolsTest/debugSymbolsQuarkus/build-and-run.log and check these offending lines: 
Warning:  [io.quarkus.deployment.pkg.steps.NativeImageBuildStep] You are using an older version of GraalVM or Mandrel : Quarkus currently supports 23.1.0. Please upgrade to this version. ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
Error:    JFRTest.jfrOptionsSmokeTest:784->jfrOptionsSmoke:922 build-and-run.log log should not contain error or warning lines that are not whitelisted. See /home/runner/work/mandrel/mandrel/mandrel-integration-tests/testsuite/target/archived-logs/org.graalvm.tests.integration.JFRTest/jfrOptionsSmokeTest/build-and-run.log and check these offending lines: 
[warn][jfr,system] Exception occurred during execution of period hook for jdk.ContainerConfiguration(21934) ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
Error:    JFRTest.jfrPerfTest:185->jfrPerfTestRun:234 build-and-run.log log should not contain error or warning lines that are not whitelisted. See /home/runner/work/mandrel/mandrel/mandrel-integration-tests/testsuite/target/archived-logs/org.graalvm.tests.integration.JFRTest/jfrPerfTest/build-and-run.log and check these offending lines: 
[warn][jfr,system] Exception occurred during execution of period hook for jdk.ContainerConfiguration(34950)
Warning:  [io.quarkus.deployment.pkg.steps.NativeImageBuildStep] You are using an older version of GraalVM or Mandrel : Quarkus currently supports 23.1.0. Please upgrade to this version. ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
Error:    JFRTest.jfrSmokeTest:151->jfrSmoke:722 build-and-run.log log should not contain error or warning lines that are not whitelisted. See /home/runner/work/mandrel/mandrel/mandrel-integration-tests/testsuite/target/archived-logs/org.graalvm.tests.integration.JFRTest/jfrSmokeTest/build-and-run.log and check these offending lines: 
[warn][jfr,system] Exception occurred during execution of period hook for jdk.ContainerConfiguration(21892) ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
Error:    RuntimesSmokeTest.quarkusFullMicroProfile:200->testRuntime:156 build-and-run.log log should not contain error or warning lines that are not whitelisted. See /home/runner/work/mandrel/mandrel/mandrel-integration-tests/testsuite/target/archived-logs/org.graalvm.tests.integration.RuntimesSmokeTest/quarkusFullMicroProfile/build-and-run.log and check these offending lines: 
Warning:  [io.quarkus.deployment.pkg.steps.NativeImageBuildStep] You are using an older version of GraalVM or Mandrel : Quarkus currently supports 23.1.0. Please upgrade to this version. ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>

Those are fine, and expected. However we might miss other issues due to this and should allow list them.