KarthikElumalai / ETokenSln

E-Token is an online queue management system which reduces waiting time on queue, by providing live update about queue status in electronic gadgets.
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Expose the Etoken API V1 in Google Cloud Platform #5

Open KarthikElumalai opened 5 years ago

KarthikElumalai commented 5 years ago
nilanjansen commented 5 years ago

Hosted the website in azure. Url:- http://etokensolution.azurewebsites.net/

Visit this link to know more about hosting free app services in azure.


Find the steps to publish .net core web apps in azure in this url


nilanjansen commented 5 years ago

Right now I am creating the tasks for DevOps in azure. I dont know much about this , so learning and doing. After this is done we can have continious builds create right from VS.

nilanjansen commented 5 years ago

The account I am using to host the site is free for 30 days, so next month we need to think about migrating the whole this to some other people's account who have a free trial, or we need to think of a more sustainable solution.

@balachir sir, do you have any idea whether micosoft has any free plans for atleast one websites deployment.

balachir commented 5 years ago

@nilanjansen I did some research online and I think you get 10 web apps for free with an Azure account. See this link. Will this work?

nilanjansen commented 5 years ago

Exposed the API endpoints in Google Cloud Platform. http://etoken-242204.appspot.com

POST /api/Users/authenticate DELETE /api/Users/ GET /api/Users GET /api/Users/ POST /api/Users/register PUT /api/Users/*

nilanjansen commented 5 years ago

3f7e6de9: Committed the necessary Configuration app.yaml and openapi.yaml.

Removed the unnecessary Values Controller