Closed Chrissi2812 closed 2 days ago
Can't confirm.
Got the same TRV via Zigbee2Mqtt in my Setup, with the same FW. Maybe a problem with ZHA? Does turning off the TRV-entity itself via HA work?
Okay I found the problem the marked thing was missing. I readded the thermostat and now it works.
For some reason the thermostat also has a switch entity and that toggle would work. But yeah wasn't a BT problem after all.
14:2d:41:ff:fe:2d:c1:da-1: can't set 'heat' mode. Supported modes are: [<HVACMode.OFF: 'off'>]
Logger: homeassistant.components.climate Quelle: components/climate/ Integration: Klima (Dokumentation, Probleme) Erstmals aufgetreten: 09:45:25 (4 Vorkommnisse) Zuletzt protokolliert: 09:46:28
zha::Thermostat sets the hvac_mode heat which is not valid for this entity with modes: off. This will stop working in 2025.4 and raise an error instead. Please create a bug report at