KaruroChori / vs-fltk

Lightweight UI framework powered by fltk & scripting via tcc, quickjs, lua & wamr.
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Make fltk a system dependency #19

Open KaruroChori opened 1 week ago

KaruroChori commented 1 week ago

fltk should be handled as a required system dependency, and if a version >1.4 is provided (subject to future changes if new features are desirable) vs is happy. This removes the need for vs to directly handle system & distribution specific dependencies on behalf of fltk.
A special .deb is provided to install the right version of libfltk-dev in flatpak and docker images.

https://github.com/KaruroChori/vs-fltk/issues/17 and https://github.com/KaruroChori/vs-fltk/issues/12 are superseded by this issue.

KaruroChori commented 5 days ago

For future reference: https://groups.google.com/g/mesonbuild/c/kEzh3OsgYXk https://www.fltk.org/str.php?L2180

Forked fltk should include the pc file to be discoverable. Or the meson file should add a bit of logic to use fltk-config.