KaruzoHikari / Revo-Launcher

The repository of Revo Launcher, a highly customizable program with powerful themes and icon+banner animations.
139 stars 3 forks source link

For This reason accept My theme #87

Closed GithubUser559 closed 4 months ago

GithubUser559 commented 5 months ago

I changed the name of my theme from Wii U Evolution to Wii U Revolution. When I saved it wouldn't let me quit. I had to restart the application. and my theme disappeared,Fortunately I posted it on the Content Hub and it is in moderation. @KaruzoHikari Please talk to the moderators to publish and recover my theme, My theme was turning out better than a Wii U theme.

KaruzoHikari commented 5 months ago

Hi, are you in the Discord? if so please contact me in there, it might be easier to handle.

GithubUser559 commented 5 months ago

Hi, are you in the Discord? if so please contact me in there, it might be easier to handle.

No,But Please talk With the moderators

GithubUser559 commented 5 months ago

Hi, are you in the Discord? if so please contact me in there, it might be easier to handle.

The name of my theme in moderation Is Wii U Evolution

GithubUser559 commented 5 months ago

Hi, are you in the Discord? if so please contact me in there, it might be easier to handle.

And has a Lot of Green And Live wallpapers Based on the Kzumi Wii U Theme.

KaruzoHikari commented 5 months ago

Sure, I can look into approving it at least so you can recover it. However, if you can't join the Discord, then it'd be good if you could tell me here what you were doing when the error happened, in order to identify the issue. Did you just try to rename a theme and the saving issue occurred? Or did you import any new assets, change any text... Please try to remember, thanks!

GithubUser559 commented 5 months ago

Sure, I can look into approving it at least so you can recover it. However, if you can't join the Discord, then it'd be good if you could tell me here what you were doing when the error happened, in order to identify the issue. Did you just try to rename a theme and the saving issue occurred? Or did you import any new assets, change any text... Please try to remember, thanks!

I Changed The Warning screen finally For rentando My theme from the Kzumi Theme AND Changed The name to Wii U Revolution.When i save,The application was bugged and wouldn't let me exit the editor,I had to restart the application and lose my theme But The Anterior versión of my theme I Publish In Content Hub And Is in moderation

KaruzoHikari commented 5 months ago

I've approved the theme so you can make the needed changes. But if this theme branches out from Hzumi:k's, make sure to credit them appropriately when sending it again for review.

Four quick questions:

GithubUser559 commented 5 months ago

I've approved the theme so you can make the needed changes. But if this theme branches out from Hzumi:k's, make sure to credit them appropriately when sending it again for review.

Four quick questions:

  • Did you do this in the latest version (v5.1)?
  • Were you in Android or PC?
  • If you were on Android, were you using the Android native file browser, or the built-in one? (This one is enabled by clicking on "Fix file pickers", but it's disabled by default.
  • So the only 2 changes you did is changing the warning screen texture + changing the theme's name?

1.Yes, My versión Is 5.1. 2.Android 3.Native file browser. 4.No,I Made a Lot of Changes,But i dont Made the Warning screen Because I was making a new versión to change the name from Wii u Evolution to Wii U Revolution and Change The Warning screen

GithubUser559 commented 5 months ago

Sure, I can look into approving it at least so you can recover it. However, if you can't join the Discord, then it'd be good if you could tell me here what you were doing when the error happened, in order to identify the issue. Did you just try to rename a theme and the saving issue occurred? Or did you import any new assets, change any text... Please try to remember, thanks!


GithubUser559 commented 5 months ago

I give the crédits in comments

KaruzoHikari commented 5 months ago

The credit should at least be done in the theme's description, not in the comments. Let me know if you've already re-downloaded the theme so I can delete it from the Hub, until you send to review the final fixed version.

GithubUser559 commented 5 months ago

Yes i re download my theme.Im working in a new versión

GithubUser559 commented 5 months ago

I Send a Update for the theme.

GithubUser559 commented 5 months ago

The credit should at least be done in the theme's description, not in the comments. Let me know if you've already re-downloaded the theme so I can delete it from the Hub, until you send to review the final fixed version.

Please Denie all My Themes in Moderation.It is to give the most revolutionary Wii Phone theme Taking advantage of all the tools and the .gif format of the Popular launchers creator. @KaruzoHikari I have already finished the Defenitive versions Of Wii U Revolution Blue White Green Black.

GithubUser559 commented 4 months ago

Accept The new versión. I Delete the old ones quickly because they were outdated and missed many features

GithubUser559 commented 4 months ago


GithubUser559 commented 4 months ago

The new update improves the resolution AND Fixing things that new versions have been breaking. Also color improvement Custon banners And more