KashaMalaga / XiaomiMiBand

Patches for Xiaomi Mi Band Android App (Smali Project)
134 stars 47 forks source link

How use this app? #32

Closed piton4eg closed 9 years ago

piton4eg commented 9 years ago

Hi! I found you app but I don't understand how to use this app. Could you help me? I have xiaomi mi2s, mi band, mac os. What I should do?

colorprint commented 9 years ago

You can compile the apk with android-apktool, sign it and install apk file after this...

piton4eg commented 9 years ago

@colorprint Could you help me to sign it?

colorprint commented 9 years ago

@piton4eg Check the last section "Signing Your App Manually" here: http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html

mircobabini commented 9 years ago

Can you please provide a built apk once you signed it?

I always get this message: "java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.BraceletApp: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.BraceletApp" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.xiaomi.hm.health-1.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app-lib/com.xiaomi.hm.health-1, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]" by: com.xiaomi.hm.health

colorprint commented 9 years ago

Here is signed apk file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yvw317yly3ne0fj/1.3.312_375.apk

mircobabini commented 9 years ago

thank you @colorprint (but it doesn't work), now i get this error on my phone: "Parse error: There was a problem parsing the package." I'm on Android 4.2.2.

It's probably because you built it with another min SDK. Through adb i got: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK].

May you please sign a package built with API 17? Thanks you so much.

mircobabini commented 9 years ago

Any news?

colorprint commented 9 years ago

I have build it as-is. May be there is minimal android version 4.3 or 4.4 required (that supports Bluetooth BLE)?

piton4eg commented 9 years ago

@colorprint thanks for apk. Does sending notifications from 3rd apps works for you? I tried to send messages to me in whatsapp, viber, vk and all of them didn't work. I selected these apps in "configuration notification" in Mi Band app. Maybe need to do something else?

colorprint commented 9 years ago

yes, it works. notification permissions for this app should be enabled in android settings.

piton4eg commented 9 years ago

It's strange, because I gave all permissions for this app, and it didn't help me

mircobabini commented 9 years ago

Hi @colorprint, as written on the main repo page: "Patch for allow execution under Android 4.0+ instead 4.4", so i think it should exec even under 4.2.2. May you try to compile it with API 17? Thanks for your time, anyway.

colorprint commented 9 years ago

Here it is: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4080500/Android/1.3.312_375_API17.apk

mircobabini commented 9 years ago

Thanks; still the same: "Parse error: There was a problem parsing the package.", don't really know way. Btw, thanks.

KashaMalaga commented 9 years ago

This project was a reverse engineering release from the Xiaomi apk. Its not publish as java src, its smali. You can compile it, or donwnload from release section. You should need Java, Android SDK (21 using right now) and apktools or if you dont have many skills over there; use Apkstudio.

piton4eg commented 9 years ago

@colorprint thanks, it's works now! I don't know what was the reason of my problems. @KashaMalaga thanks for release section, i didn't see it earlier

piton4eg commented 9 years ago

@KashaMalaga maybe can to add this information (about how to use) to readme?

lele91enea commented 8 years ago

Hi guys, I have the same problems of mircobabini...how I can solve this problem? Thanks a lot!