Kashi2723 / Data-science-homework

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class bnao #1

Open soodsid opened 10 months ago

soodsid commented 10 months ago
  1. For a library management system, you have to design the "Book" class with OOP principles in mind. The “Book” class will have following attributes: a. title: Represents the title of the book. b. author: Represents the author(s) of the book. c. isbn: Represents the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) of the book. d. publication_year: Represents the year of publication of the book. e. available_copies: Represents the number of copies available for checkout. The class will also include the following methods: a. check_out(self): Decrements the available copies by one if there are copies available for checkout. b. return_book(self): Increments the available copies by one when a book is returned. c. display_book_info(self): Displays the information about the book, including its attributes and the number of available copies.
soodsid commented 10 months ago
  1. Imagine a school management system. You have to design the "Student" class using OOP concepts.The “Student” class has the following attributes: a. name: Represents the name of the student. b. age: Represents the age of the student. c. grade: Represents the grade or class of the student. d. student_id: Represents the unique identifier for the student. e. attendance: Represents the attendance record of the student. The class should also include the following methods: a. update_attendance(self, date, status): Updates the attendance record of the student for a given date with the provided status (e.g., present or absent). b. get_attendance(self): Returns the attendance record of the student. c. get_average_attendance(self): Calculates and returns the average attendance percentage of the student based on their attendance record.
soodsid commented 10 months ago
  1. You are creating a shopping cart for an e-commerce website. Using OOP to model the "ShoppingCart" functionality the class should contain following attributes and methods: a. items: Represents the list of items in the shopping cart. The class also includes the following methods:

a. add_item(self, item): Adds an item to the shopping cart by appending it to the list of items. b. remove_item(self, item): Removes an item from the shopping cart if it exists in the list. c. view_cart(self): Displays the items currently present in the shopping cart. d. clear_cart(self): Clears all items from the shopping cart by reassigning an empty list to the items attribute.