Kasper24 / KwesomeDE

A desktop environment made in AwesomeWM
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Multi monitor setup #10

Open Andre6-dev opened 1 year ago

Andre6-dev commented 1 year ago

Hi Kasper, this project is awesome, I really like all the ui but I was reviewing the dotfiles and I wanted to know where I would put the issue of my second monitor, since seeing your configuration, apparently you have two screens like me, I would be putting the xrandr command withing startup.lua file and the configure_xserver function right?

Kasper24 commented 1 year ago

I only have 1 screen, so while I tried to make it work for 2 screens I never actually tested it so you are probably gonna run into some issues. Yes, you could put those functions there, but be aware that in config/init.lua there's this section:

-- Only runs this on my system, other don't need it
if os.getenv("USER") == 'kasper' then
    require(... .. ".startup")

There's some stuff in that file that's only meant for my system, so by default I only run it for myself

Andre6-dev commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have completed the steps and I also commented on that line that you told me about but only the basic configuration of awesome appears without customization, is there anything else that should be changed?

Kasper24 commented 1 year ago

In that case the config crashed, so it loaded the default instead. If you want me to help you will need to run the debug script which is located in the scripts directory inside a terminal and share the output here

Andre6-dev commented 1 year ago

I just deleted the awesome configuration directory and cloned it again and now it works, I don't know why haha I wanted to ask you two more things, first how should I execute the debug file?, I tried to use it from qtile with awmtt and it doesn't work for me and the Second would be where the profile image would be changed? Sorry for the newbie questions but I have been using awesomewm for a short time.

Kasper24 commented 1 year ago

You just run the debug script like you would any other script. Regarding the profile image, by default it would check if you have an image stored in ~/.face, and if not it will use the image stored in assets/images/profile.png. You can also open the theme manager and click on the setting button and there at the the top you will see an option to change the profile image