Kasper24 / KwesomeDE

A desktop environment made in AwesomeWM
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kwesomeDE does not start #18

Closed alavaelian closed 1 year ago

alavaelian commented 1 year ago

i have installed awesome wm from the github in a debian 12 book worm system it compiled with no issues and it have running, i installed kwesome but i can not get it running , i really want to test it but i have tried like four times and i have not being hable to get it running.

i tired to run it with xephyr in an tested session and i got this log

error while running function!
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'collectgarbage'
        /home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/rc.lua:6: in main chunk
error: /home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/rc.lua:6: bad argument #1 to 'collectgarbage' (invalid option 'incremental')
error while running function!
stack traceback:
        /home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/ui/widgets/text.lua:150: in function </home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/ui/widgets/text.lua:136>
        (...tail calls...)
        ...unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/wibox/widget/textclock.lua:178: in function <...unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/wibox/widget/textclock.lua:177>
        (...tail calls...)
        /usr/local/etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua:122: in main chunk
error: /home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/ui/widgets/text.lua:150: attempt to index a nil value (field 'colors')
2023-06-19 10:12:40 E: awesome: main:875: couldn't find any rc file
Kasper24 commented 1 year ago

Are you using the latest awesome version? it should be built against Lua 5.4 which has the new collectgarbage settings.

For quick fix, change line 6 to the following:

alavaelian commented 1 year ago

hey man thanks so much for answer on my way to test it

alavaelian commented 1 year ago

can you tell me how to compile awesome with an espefic version of lua in my system i got like tree lua version lua5.4 lua5.3 and lua 5.2

alavaelian commented 1 year ago

Are you using the latest awesome version? it should be built against Lua 5.4 which has the new collectgarbage settings.

For quick fix, change line 6 to the following:


yes i clone the git repo for installing it

Kasper24 commented 1 year ago

can you tell me how to compile awesome with an espefic version of lua in my system i got like tree lua version lua5.4 lua5.3 and lua 5.2

I'm not sure how to do so it Debian, but in the meantime you can change line 6 in rc.lua to this:

alavaelian commented 1 year ago

can you tell me how to compile awesome with an espefic version of lua in my system i got like tree lua version lua5.4 lua5.3 and lua 5.2

I'm not sure how to do so it Debian, but in the meantime you can change line 6 in rc.lua to this:


done but i got other error 2023-06-23 16:33:48 W: awesome: Can't load Playerctl introspection. Seems like Playerctl is not installed or lua-lgi was built with an incompatible Playerctl version. Using playerctl cli instead! error while running function! stack traceback: [C]: in ? [C]: in function 'require' .../unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/daemons/system/system.lua:18: in main chunk [C]: in function 'require' /home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/ui/screens/power.lua:11: in main chunk [C]: in function 'require' ...nlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/ui/panels/action/header.lua:7: in main chunk [C]: in function 'require' .../unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/ui/panels/action/init.lua:18: in main chunk [C]: in function 'require' /home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/ui/popups/main_menu.lua:7: in main chunk [C]: in function 'require' /home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/config/keys.lua:7: in main chunk [C]: in function 'require' /home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/config/init.lua:8: in main chunk [C]: in function 'require' /home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/rc.lua:42: in main chunk error: error loading module 'liblua_pam' from file '/home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/external/pam/liblua_pam.so': liblua.so.5.4: no se puede abrir el fichero del objeto compartido: No existe el fichero o el directorio error while running function! stack traceback: /home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/ui/widgets/text.lua:150: in function </home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/ui/widgets/text.lua:136> (...tail calls...) ...unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/wibox/widget/textclock.lua:178: in function <...unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/wibox/widget/textclock.lua:177> (...tail calls...) /usr/local/etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua:122: in main chunk error: /home/unlinuxeromas/.config/awesome/ui/widgets/text.lua:150: attempt to index a nil value (field 'colors') 2023-06-23 16:33:48 E: awesome: main:875: couldn't find any rc file

Kasper24 commented 1 year ago

This happens because the liblua_pam.so file at external/pam is built against a different LUA version that your AwesomeWM was built against.

What you want to do it follow the instructions at https://github.com/RMTT/lua-pam and replace the .so file in the external/pam folder.

alavaelian commented 1 year ago

thanks so much for the help man