KasperiP / kiderat-desktop

🐀 Kiderat is a fully open-source bot for automating ticket reservations on Kide.app. With Kiderat, you can save time and effort by letting the bot handle the reservation process for you. Since Kiderat is open-source, you can customize the bot to suit your specific needs or contribute to the project's development.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Better state handling #5

Open KasperiP opened 1 year ago

KasperiP commented 1 year ago

Currently, the state is being handled by global context. However, it should be taken into consideration to save some data more permanently locally. For instance, saving the Kiderat authorization token in a more permanent solution would prevent users from having to log in every time they open the app. The Kiderat authorization token is a JWT whose expiration date can be obtained by decoding it, and logging in would only be required when there is no valid JWT in storage.