KasperskyLab / klara

Kaspersky's GReAT KLara
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dispacher not working #7

Closed cuckoo-linux closed 6 years ago

cuckoo-linux commented 6 years ago

(klara)cuckoo@cuckoo-OptiPlex-9020:/var/projects/klara/dispatcher$ ./klara-dispatcher bash: ./klara-dispatcher: Permission denied

cuckoo-linux commented 6 years ago

even root cannot run it: cuckoo@cuckoo-OptiPlex-9020:~$ sudo su [sudo] password for cuckoo: root@cuckoo-OptiPlex-9020:/home/cuckoo# source ~/klara-github-repo/install/activate.sh (klara)root@cuckoo-OptiPlex-9020:/home/cuckoo# cd /var/projects/klara/dispatcher/ (klara)root@cuckoo-OptiPlex-9020:/var/projects/klara/dispatcher# ./klara-dispatcher bash: ./klara-dispatcher: Permission denied

cuckoo-linux commented 6 years ago

worker also not working (klara)root@cuckoo-OptiPlex-9020:/var/projects/klara/worker# ./klara-worker bash: ./klara-worker: Permission denied not in cuckoo user and not as root

xdanx commented 6 years ago

Hey, can you provide more info about your issue? Can you show me your permissions for file 'klara-dispatcher': ls -l klara-dispatcher

I think this is an issue with permissions.

cuckoo-linux commented 6 years ago

(klara)root@cuckoo-OptiPlex-9020:/var/projects/klara/dispatcher# ls -l klara-dispatcher -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7353 Apr 4 11:04 klara-dispatcher

xdanx commented 6 years ago

It seems your file is not executable. You need to run chmod u+x klara-dispatcher in order to be able to execute the python code as './klara-dispatcher.

Alternatively, you can just run python klara-dispatcher and should do the trick as well.

Updated the install instructions in 4b813051

cuckoo-linux commented 6 years ago

now i am getting this error: (klara)root@cuckoo-OptiPlex-9020:/var/projects/klara/dispatcher# ./klara-dispatcher Traceback (most recent call last): File "./klara-dispatcher", line 5, in import tornado.ioloop ImportError: No module named tornado.ioloop

xdanx commented 6 years ago

Aha, I see. This means you don't have tornado module installed. Please carefully follow the steps in the install instructions: https://github.com/KasperskyLab/klara/tree/master/install

From your text I see you have the virtualenv (klara) enabled, so I guess you missed the step on installing dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

cuckoo-linux commented 6 years ago

cuckoo@cuckoo-OptiPlex-9020:/var/projects/klara/dispatcher$ pip install -r ~/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt Requirement already satisfied: torndb in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from -r /home/cuckoo/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: requests in /home/cuckoo/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r /home/cuckoo/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt (line 2)) Requirement already satisfied: tornado in /home/cuckoo/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r /home/cuckoo/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt (line 3)) Requirement already satisfied: mysql-python in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from -r /home/cuckoo/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt (line 4)) Requirement already satisfied: idna<2.7,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from requests->-r /home/cuckoo/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt (line 2)) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.23,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from requests->-r /home/cuckoo/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt (line 2)) Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests->-r /home/cuckoo/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt (line 2)) /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/vendor/urllib3/util/ssl.py:339: SNIMissingWarning: An HTTPS request has been made, but the SNI (Subject Name Indication) extension to TLS is not available on this platform. This may cause the server to present an incorrect TLS certificate, which can cause validation failures. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings SNIMissingWarning /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/vendor/urllib3/util/ssl.py:137: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings InsecurePlatformWarning Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLError(1, '_ssl.c:509: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version'),)': /simple/certifi/ /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/vendor/urllib3/util/ssl.py:137: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings InsecurePlatformWarning Retrying (Retry(total=3, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLError(1, '_ssl.c:509: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version'),)': /simple/certifi/ /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/vendor/urllib3/util/ssl.py:137: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings InsecurePlatformWarning Retrying (Retry(total=2, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLError(1, '_ssl.c:509: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version'),)': /simple/certifi/ /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/vendor/urllib3/util/ssl.py:137: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings InsecurePlatformWarning Retrying (Retry(total=1, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLError(1, '_ssl.c:509: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version'),)': /simple/certifi/ /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/vendor/urllib3/util/ssl.py:137: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings InsecurePlatformWarning Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLError(1, '_ssl.c:509: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version'),)': /simple/certifi/ /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/vendor/urllib3/util/ssl.py:137: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings InsecurePlatformWarning Could not fetch URL https://pypi.python.org/simple/certifi/: There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='pypi.python.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /simple/certifi/ (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, '_ssl.c:509: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version'),)) - skipping Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests->-r /home/cuckoo/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt (line 2)) (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests->-r /home/cuckoo/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt (line 2)) /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/vendor/urllib3/util/ssl.py:137: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings InsecurePlatformWarning

xdanx commented 6 years ago

Hey, sorry but it seems this is a problem with your Python installation and not Klara related

Nono-m0le commented 5 years ago

In case you have multiple (interpreter) version of python installed, running a : python -m pip install -r ~/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt instead of the described : pip install -r ~/klara-github-repo/install/requirements.txt

should do the trick / solve this issue.

xdanx commented 5 years ago

Hey, this might solve the issue, but the idea is to run python executable inside a virtual environment.

As such, that env should have the desired python version and all the necessary tools :)

Nono-m0le commented 5 years ago

Thanks @xdanx however, by (almost strictly) following the install guide on a Ubuntu Server 18.04 it's not what I end up with. But I assume I probably did something wrong ...

xdanx commented 5 years ago

Hmm... Don't know what to say. We have a telegram group if you need help, check https://github.com/KasperskyLab/klara#contributing-and-reporting-issues

where I'm around and I'm happy to help if needed.

I need to check over the instructions to see if I mention using virtualenvs and how you need to setup one correctly.