KastanDay / ML4Bio-v2

LLMs to execute Bioinformatics workflows, esp. RNA-seq
MIT License
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Please conduct Dseq2 analysis on the provided data. #1

Open KastanDay opened 4 months ago

KastanDay commented 4 months ago

Use your best judgement on the best form analysis to do, in my opinion just general exploratory data analysis where you present many different options would be great.

Please write and execute the code to do Dseq2 analysis on the data. If you generate results, please push them to github and mention that in your pull request or similar.

Make sure you execute the code, and if it fails keep re-trying with improvements until you get something useful to share.

Thank you, good luck! I can't wait to see the results of your analysis.

minump commented 4 months ago

See DSEQ2 analysis from https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DESeq2.html. First, write a plan. Execute each step one-by-one. From the outcomes, replan if necessary.