Katalam / KAM

The ACE Advanced Medical System is nice, but we can do it better, even on a more realistic way and bring it on another level with these addons.
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Feature Requests #21

Open Katalam opened 5 years ago

Katalam commented 5 years ago


Steps to treat:

Will-Nichols commented 5 years ago

Description: Flight considerations for MEDEVAC/CASEAVAC; atmospheric pressure changes for pneumothorax. Need to ensure that the patient is stable enough for transport via aviation (helicopter).

How to implement: ACE already has an option to effect ballistics of a bullet via barometric pressure so there should be a way to check for altitude changes to effect the overall barometric pressure for the wounded as well.

Will-Nichols commented 5 years ago

XSTAT - Injectable sponge type pellet system to keep massive blood loss from happening with a patient either with gunshot would or from amputation (evulsion) from IED's, wrecks, etc... The system creates a pressure to close off severed vessels (veins and arteries) to reduce/stop blood loss.

CoverOpe commented 5 years ago

Negative effect when an airway adjunct is inserted without clearing the airway of vomit.

Description: Add a negative effect when an airway adjunct is inserted without first clearing the airway

Steps to treat: Must be cleared with AccuVac since vomit has been pushed down the trachea? (idea) Clear with head turn/AccuVac.

If possible add a idea to implement it (logical)

IF (airway occluded) AND (airway inserted) THEN (result)

CoverOpe commented 5 years ago


Add the ability to hang different types and sizes of IV solution on the IV stand. Saline, Blood, Plasma, Blood types in 250ml, 500ml, 1000ml...

If possible add a idea to implement it (logical): Possibly use the same model for the IV stand if the smaller variants don't exist? Model can continue to be saline as long as the correct fluid is on the stand.

Katalam commented 5 years ago

@CoverOpe i really hate you haha. Adding the ability for rest is so hard. I try it for at least 2 hours. Maybe i will do it on a other day.

CoverOpe commented 5 years ago

@CoverOpe i really hate you haha. Adding the ability for rest is so hard. I try it for at least 2 hours. Maybe i will do it on a other day.

I thought it would be a bit harder. Bummer. No rush on that one then. Thanks for trying!

Katalam commented 5 years ago

@CoverOpe how about these commits f95af298e67f37ee924059f65a2d59622d18ada7 529b6bd3cf58793de13561746ebe2c7643a35d2b Is now implemented but only for all saline values. I will add the other bags maybe.

Ranquel77 commented 5 years ago

Descripción : Consideraciones de vuelo para MEDEVAC / CASEAVAC; Cambios en la presión atmosférica por neumotórax. Debe asegurarse de que el paciente se encuentre lo suficientemente estable para el transporte por aviación (helicóptero).

Cómo implementar : ACE ya tiene una opción para efectuar balística de una bala a través de la presión barométrica, por lo que debería haber una manera de verificar los cambios de altitud para afectar la presión barométrica general para los heridos también.

En realidad los vuelos medevacs casevac son a muy baja altura (helicopteros) donde la diferencia de presion atmosferica es insignificante, eso podria ser para aviones no presurizados a grandes alturas, saludos!

JustinD39 commented 4 years ago

Description: I reached out to you on discord but figured I'd post it here to make it more official. The Idea of having to have different size IV catheters/IOs and starting a "line" before being able to push fluids or medications into the patient. The limb the IV or IO is in is then the only limb that fluids can be pushed into. Be able to start multiple IV's on a patient. The size of the catheter can then determine the fluid transfusion rate etc.

Steps to treat: ACE medical already has the option to determine transfusion rates in the settings. Should hopefully be simple to link the size of the catheter to the transfusion rate.

IV: select limb, option to start (14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24) gauge IV. Once IV is in place give some type of indicator on that limb that an IV is established, same way with how there is an airway device notification. Then in order to push fluids the provider has to select a limb that has an established IV (this could also allow the option to expand into dosed medications instead of the predosed auto injectors)

Also the possibility for an IV attempt to be unsuccessful and have to try again on the same or different limb.

IO: An IO would be started the same way as an IV but should be faster and more reliable/secure since IRL it normally is. Same steps as before but IO's have less size selections normally. (16, 18) IO's should have some drawback for use on conscious patients like inflicting some pain if the patient is conscious. This will hopefully add some thought into the decision of and IO or IV on a patient.

Once an IV or IO is established on a patient is should stay with them until they are PAK'd or fully healed.

JaySpidey commented 4 years ago

It would be nice to see chest seals being used for any sucking chest wound and the implementation of decompression needle(s) to replace the functionality of chest seals. I think this is a very simple addition that would add to the immersion of TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) and most medics to this day carry a decompression needle for this very reason (pneumothorax). Thanks