As a Site User I can easily navigate the website through a comprehensive menu located in the header and access site pages so that I can explore the site fully and access my account.
Acceptance Criteria
Given a user is on any page of the website
When the user interact with the site menu
Then the user should be able to access links to all main pages and sections including: Home, Services, Our Groomers, Gallery, Contact, and Log In.
[x] Use Bootstrap’s navbar component to create a responsive header with links to Home, Services, Our Groomers, Gallery, Contact, and Log In.
[x] Style the navbar further is necessary and ensure responsiveness across devices.
[x] Ensure all navbar links direct to the correct pages or sections.
[x] Test the navbar across multiple browsers and devices to ensure consistent performance.
As a Site User I can easily navigate the website through a comprehensive menu located in the header and access site pages so that I can explore the site fully and access my account.
Acceptance Criteria