Katello / katello-packaging

[DEPRECATED] Packaging for Katello
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Fixes #17036 - Adding katello-backup and restore for a proxy #441

Closed johnpmitsch closed 7 years ago

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

See comment below for review instructions

cfouant commented 7 years ago

@johnpmitsch - aren't we calling capsule 'foreman-proxy-content' now? I definitely would not have a --capsule flag if that is the case

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@cfouant yes, that is true, I can change it. I'll add it to the to-do

cfouant commented 7 years ago

@johnpmitsch - jumped the gun, just noticed the WIP tag, so thanks!

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

To Review

(fpc = foreman-proxy w/ content)

We are going to essentially "clone" a fpc using the hostname change and katello-restore

  1. Spin up katello + external fpc (will call this fpc1)
  2. Associate fpc to organization/lifecycle env and sync some repositories to it
  3. Run katello-backup on fpc1
  4. Spin up a new external fpc, don't sync (will call this new machine fpc2)
  5. Copy over certs tar that was generated for fpc1 (should still be on katello server) to fpc2
  6. Run katello-change-hostname to change fpc2 to the hostname of fpc1, you will have to use --certs-tar option and specify fpc1 certs tar
  7. Copy over fpc1 backup to fpc2 and run katello-restore
  8. Make sure content is actually restored on fpc2 using pulp-admin
  9. Delete entry for fpc2 in katello and change /etc/hosts to point fpc1 hostname to fpc2 ip address
  10. Sync fpc2 to make sure all content and functionality is restored
  11. Sync new repos to fpc2, delete repos and re-sync, check content is there with pulp-admin
  12. Register host to fpc2 and make sure content can be delivered to host

Testing Scenario Checklist

Since quite a bit is refactored in this PR, we have to test the old functionality is still there, here is a list of new and old scenarios to test, please check them off as they are completed and feel free to add more:

reminder: snapshots are your friend! :smile:

akofink commented 7 years ago

Online backup/restore using the steps provided works great. Confirmed on Centos 7 running Katello 3.4 with a RHEL7 client. APJ from me!

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@ehelms up for re-review, I tried to keep the newer changes in a separate commit (will squash at the end)

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago


johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

In the current state of the PR, the user can't restore a logical backup without removing files from it (a logical backup performs both a standard and online backup, so both sets of files are present). The user is presented with this message when trying to restore a logical or incorrect backup

---- The given directory does not contain the required files or has too many files ----
---- All backup directories contain: config_files.tar.gz, pulp_data.tar* ----
---- An online backup directory contains: mongo_dump, candlepin.dump, foreman.dump, pg_globals.dump ----
---- An offline backup directory contains: mongo_data.tar.gz, pgsql_data.tar.gz ----
---- *pulp_data.tar is optional ----
---- Please choose a valid backup directory ----

They can move files depending on the type of backup they want to restore. Alternatively, we select one way of restoring a logical backup, or we add flags in to give the user a preference of which backup they want to restore when a logical backup is present. Are there any preferences/opinions on which way is best?

cfouant commented 7 years ago

I would prefer if we allow a user to keep their backup files in one place. Since doing a logical-db-backup will create both an offline and online backup, I think we should by default use the offline backup files, and if user wants to override and prefer the online files, we could create a flag in katello-restore

jlsherrill commented 7 years ago

Could someone define 'logical backup' ?

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@jlsherrill it basically dumps all the things

--logical-db-backup          Also dump full database schema during offline backup

You will have files from a standard and online backup present when using the flag --logical-db-backup

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@jlsherrill here are the files in a logical backup:

[root@centos7-katello-3-4 ~]# ls /backup/katello-backup-logical/
candlepin.dump  config_files.tar.gz  foreman.dump  metadata.yml  mongo_data.tar.gz  mongo_dump  pg_globals.dump  pgsql_data.tar.gz  pulp_data.tar
cfouant commented 7 years ago

@jlsherrill - Customer requested to add online schema in case the offline db files are corrupted. http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/18925

jlsherrill commented 7 years ago

How about we default to the offline (telling the user we are using the offline version, and how to remove/move files to use the online), and then if there is some corruption they can switch to the online by deleting (or moving the offline files).

This is both simple from a logic perspective, simple from a user perspective, but still lets the user 'choose' if they really have a need to.

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@jlsherrill thanks, we'll go with that unless @cfouant has any objections

cfouant commented 7 years ago

@jlsherrill @johnpmitsch I'd prefer a --use-online-files or something along that line instead. This way the user can 1) keep all files together 2) if there was a corruption instance, it would be easier to support and diagnose with both file types available.

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@cfouant That is a good idea, but I would argue that adding that functionality is a bit outside this PR. Since the current functionality when restoring a logical backup is that it will use the standard backup (correct that if I am wrong), @jlsherrill's method will keep things the way they are, but just add output to clarify that a standard backup is being used.

cfouant commented 7 years ago

@johnpmitsch I'm fine to keep it the way it is already with just a note stating the offline backups are being used for restoration; I would not make any notes about moving files around to perform an online backup.

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@cfouant +1

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@ehelms updated according to your comments

cfouant commented 7 years ago

@johnpmitsch - initial tests including snapshots are working! I don't think you'll need to hide the snapshot feature!

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@cfouant Snapshots on a foreman-proxy are working on my end too :+1: I'm running tests again to make sure nothing was broken in the small updates I have made, other than that, waiting on you and @ehelms to approve!

cfouant commented 7 years ago

I'm getting the error of 'too many files' when trying to restore a backup created with --logical-db-backup:

There are too many files in the backup directory, please check only the required files are present.
---- The given directory does not contain the required files or has too many files
---- All backup directories contain: config_files.tar.gz, pulp_data.tar*
---- A foreman proxy content backup directory contains: mongo_data.tar.gz
---- A foreman proxy content backup directory contains: mongo_dump
---- A logical backup directory contains: mongo_dump, candlepin.dump, foreman.dump, pg_globals.dump, mongo_data.tar.gz, pgsql_data.tar.gz
---- *pulp_data.tar is optional
---- Please choose a valid backup directory
/usr/bin/restoretest:179:in `display_backup_options': undefined local variable or method `optparse' for main:Object (NameError)
    from /usr/bin/restoretest:119:in `backup_invalid_message'
    from /usr/bin/restoretest:213:in `backup_valid?'
    from /usr/bin/restoretest:239:in `<main>'
cfouant commented 7 years ago

Also, I see what you were saying about needing to instantiate optparse in katello-restore. I will look into that, because it should be available to that method.

cfouant commented 7 years ago

ACK from me, pending the update to the restore method (we agreed above to instead of reject a backup directory with 'too many files' to use the offline files as preference with a note to the user), and making optparse an instance variable again (my bad). I've tested all current methods on a capsule and on a main katello server. Works great! Thanks so much for your work on this!

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@cfouant I'm able to run a restore of a logical backup, can you make sure the branch is up to date and if so, do an ls of the directory to see if there is any difference?

[root@centos7-katello-3-4 katello-packaging]# ls /backup/katello-backup-20170621134718 
candlepin.dump  config_files.tar.gz  foreman.dump  metadata.yml  mongo_data.tar.gz  mongo_dump  pg_globals.dump  pgsql_data.tar.gz  pulp_data.tar
[root@centos7-katello-3-4 katello-packaging]# ./katello/katello-restore /backup/katello-backup-20170621134718/
WARNING: This script will drop and restore your database.
Your existing installation will be replaced with the backup database.
Once this operation is complete there is no going back.
Are you sure(Y/N)? y
Starting restore from /backup/katello-backup-20170621134718: 2017-06-21 13:52:59 +0000
Logical backup detected, using the standard backup files to restore
Done with restore: 2017-06-21 13:58:10 +0000
johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@cfouant updated optparse

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@cfouant updated to remove the unnecessary katello-service start, all retesting is passing on my end

cfouant commented 7 years ago

ACK @johnpmitsch great job, wonderful work!