Katello / katello-packaging

[DEPRECATED] Packaging for Katello
7 stars 33 forks source link

Fixes #20440 - Don't delete the CA in katello-change-hostname #494

Closed johnpmitsch closed 7 years ago

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

The CA no longer has to be deleted now that this is fixed

This makes the re-registration process for clients/proxies easier

theforeman-bot commented 7 years ago

Issues: #20440

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

TODO: check if remote execution can run the commands for the clients after script runs

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@jturel To test out packaging scripts, I generally spin up a katello 3.4 box and run the following as root

yum install -y git vim
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/Katello/katello-packaging
cd katello-packaging/
git remote add fork https://github.com/johnpmitsch/katello-packaging
git fetch fork
cd ~
ln -s katello-packaging/katello/katello-change-hostname katello-change-hostname
chmod a+x katello-change-hostname 

That will add my fork and then you can checkout my branch (or whatever method of PR checkout you prefer)

Since the big concern with this PR is making sure clients and capsules can easily re-register, its best to test this with a proxy and client registered (You can use vagrant box centos7-foreman-proxy-3.4 to easily spin up a foreman-proxy). It would be a good idea to have some content available on each as well.

Then run this to change the hostname on katello: ./katello-change-hostname -u admin -p changeme -d newhostname.example.com

After that finishes, run through the instructions given at the output of the script to re-register clients/proxies Then double check you can still communicate with the proxy/clients (Sync repos, attach subscriptions). You'll have to add the new hostname to /etc/hosts on them as well.

Test out anything else you would like, it also would be a good idea to check /etc/pki/katello/certs/katello-default-ca.crt before and after to make sure it actually didn't change.

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

After changing the hostname, I was able to use the remote execution plugin to re-register my clients

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

For some reason the message at the end isn't showing the new hostname despite it being an instance variable, looking into why

jturel commented 7 years ago


Once I got everything set up I was able to change my hostname and re-register my client successfully. However, I could not get my proxy re-registered. My steps were:

/Stage[main]/Foreman_proxy::Register/Foreman_smartproxy[centos7-foreman-proxy-3-4.example.com]: Could not evaluate: Exception SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed in get request to: https://centos7-katello-3-4.strangeways.example.com/api/v2/smart_p roxies?search=name=%22centos7-foreman-proxy-3-4.example.com%22
/usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/foreman/lib/puppet/provider/foreman_resource/rest_v3.rb:89:in rescue in request' /usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/foreman/lib/puppet/provider/foreman_resource/rest_v3.rb:71:inrequest'
/usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/foreman/lib/puppet/provider/foreman_smartproxy/rest_v3.rb:6:in proxy' /usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/foreman/lib/puppet/provider/foreman_smartproxy/rest_v3.rb:13:inid'
/usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/foreman/lib/puppet/provider/foreman_smartproxy/rest_v3.rb:17:in `exists?'

Let me know if anything seems off about those steps. I am leaving everything in place so we can debug as needed.

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@jturel hey if I am reading this right, it looks like this is what happened:

The steps to test should look like this (sorry for not making them clear the first time):

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@ehelms bats run was successful on a k3.4 box with changed hostname

[root@changeme ~]# bats --tap forklift/bats/fb-content-katello.bats 
ok 1 Create an Empty Organization
ok 2 create an Organization
ok 3 create a product
ok 4 create package repository
ok 5 upload package
ok 6 sync repository
ok 7 create puppet repository
ok 8 upload puppet module
ok 9 create lifecycle environment
ok 10 create content view
ok 11 add repo to content view
ok 12 publish content view
ok 13 promote content view
ok 14 create activation key
ok 15 disable auto-attach
ok 16 add subscription to activation key
ok 17 install subscription manager
ok 18 register subscription manager
ok 19 check content host is registered
ok 20 enable content view repo
ok 21 install katello-host-tools
ok 22 install package locally
ok 23 check available errata
ok 24 install katello-agent
ok 25 30 sec of sleep for groggy gofers
ok 26 install package remotely (katello-agent)
ok 27 install errata remotely (katello-agent)
ok 28 add puppet module to content view
ok 29 publish content view
ok 30 promote content view
ok 31 # skip add puppetclass to host
ok 32 # skip puppet run applies dummy module
johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@ehelms I'll wait for you to approve before merging