Katello / katello-packaging

[DEPRECATED] Packaging for Katello
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Fixes #20821 - Separate katello-* utilities into classes #524

Closed johnpmitsch closed 6 years ago

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

This moves katello-backup, restore, and hostname change into classes in lib/ that will be called by the actual scripts. This allows us to have more flexibility in changing terminology in backports and also makes the script functionality more testable and compartmentalized.


theforeman-bot commented 7 years ago

Issues: #20821

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

To test, spin up a 3.4 box and run:

mkdir /usr/share/katello
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/Katello/katello-packaging
cd katello-packaging/
git remote add fork https://github.com/johnpmitsch/katello-packaging
git fetch --all
git checkout fork/katello_script_refactor
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/lib/restore.rb /usr/share/katello/restore.rb
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/lib/backup.rb /usr/share/katello/backup.rb
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/lib/hostname-change.rb /usr/share/katello/hostname-change.rb
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/lib/script-helper.rb /usr/share/katello/script-helper.rb
cd ~
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/katello-change-hostname katello-change-hostname
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/katello-restore katello-restore
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/katello-backup katello-backup
chmod a+x katello-change-hostname 
chmod a+x katello-restore
chmod a+x katello-backup

All backup/restore/change-hostname functionality should be the same as usual

jturel commented 7 years ago

Just starting my own review but I'm curious if you see any value in one or more of these options:

Ditto on those suggestions for the other scripts you adjusted.

johnpmitsch commented 7 years ago

@jturel I am for having a namespace to make things clear, but one thing I do want to avoid is having a useless subdirectory, i.e. katello/lib/katello/backup.rb vs katello/lib/backup.rb. I think I can add the modules without the subdirectory (I don't think this breaks conventions or best practices), I'll do that.

Let me think about the names a little more, one idea I have is this:




That would signify that these are tools and not actual backups, etc. I'm not sure if it needs a specific Katello declaration (since we aren't in a plugin situation like we are in actual Katello repo), but open to it if others agree. \

jturel commented 7 years ago

I was able to test each of the scripts and see that they are working as intended! I'll accept once the module is renamed. Deferring to Eric on the spec file changes (though, they make sense).

ehelms commented 6 years ago

@johnpmitsch What's the plan here? I see a lot of fixes going into some of these scripts thus causing this to need a rebase and update. Which will lead this to need to be re-tested.

johnpmitsch commented 6 years ago

@ehelms I have to figure that out, its probably going to be that I manually apply all of the recent commits to the katello-change hostname class

johnpmitsch commented 6 years ago

I updated this with the latest katello-change-hostname commits and renamed the Utitlies class to KatelloUtilities. @evgeni Can you make sure all of the latest commits to katello-change-hostname are found in here? I manually applied them since I couldn't rebase properly with the refactoring. @ehelms Can you check the spec file? @jturel Can you retest? Here is what an updated version of what I use to test

yum install -y git vim
mkdir /usr/share/katello
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/Katello/katello-packaging
cd katello-packaging/
git remote add fork https://github.com/johnpmitsch/katello-packaging
git fetch --all
git checkout fork/katello_script_refactor
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/utilities/restore.rb /usr/share/katello/restore.rb
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/utilities/backup.rb /usr/share/katello/backup.rb
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/utilities/hostname-change.rb /usr/share/katello/hostname-change.rb
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/utilities/helper.rb /usr/share/katello/helper.rb
cd ~
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/katello-change-hostname katello-change-hostname
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/katello-restore katello-restore
ln -s /root/katello-packaging/katello/katello-backup katello-backup
chmod a+x katello-change-hostname 
chmod a+x katello-restore
chmod a+x katello-backup
jturel commented 6 years ago

I retested all scripts and they are working well.

johnpmitsch commented 6 years ago

After some off-thread IRC conversations, I updated the scripts to live in the katello/ dir, everything. I'm currently re-testing the scripts and so far, so good.

@jturel apologies, but do you mind retesting? You will just have to update the links in the setup script that I put in a previous comment. (thanks for being patient)

@ehelms I'm not sure what is going wrong with the build in jenkins, but I suspect something is off in my spec file. Can you take a look? I can't seem to get the exact error (The output mentions checking build.log).

mbacovsky commented 6 years ago

The build is green now, the rpm can be downloaded from the task [1] for easier testing. [1] http://koji.katello.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=29919

jturel commented 6 years ago

Everything is still good with the change to the KatelloUtilities namespace. 👍

johnpmitsch commented 6 years ago

@jturel @evgeni Can you double check that all the changes that have been made since this PR has been open are correctly included in this PR? I wasn't able to resolve any merge conflicts since the files moved and changed so drastically, so applied them manually.


johnpmitsch commented 6 years ago

Updating to use accept an argument for the accepted_scenarios (again, for backporting). Changes are in a separate commit

This will allow us to overwrite the accepted_scenarios method, as shown below:

module Foo
  def scenarios
    @accepted || ["in module"]

class Bar
  include Foo

  def initialize(accepted=nil)
    @accepted = accepted
2.2.4 :002 > bar_no_params = Bar.new
 => #<Bar:0x00000000b1dcd0 @accepted=nil> 
2.2.4 :003 > bar_no_params.scenarios
 => ["in module"] 
2.2.4 :004 > bar_with_params = Bar.new(["not in module"])
 => #<Bar:0x00000000a8cb90 @accepted=["not in module"]> 
2.2.4 :005 > bar_with_params.scenarios
 => ["not in module"] 
johnpmitsch commented 6 years ago

Testing out the accepted scenarios changing:

diff --git a/katello/katello-backup b/katello/katello-backup
index 745143e..f74b3c8 100755
--- a/katello/katello-backup
+++ b/katello/katello-backup
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
 require "/usr/share/katello/backup.rb"

-katello_backup = KatelloUtilities::Backup.new("foreman-proxy-content", "foreman proxy")
+katello_backup = KatelloUtilities::Backup.new("foreman-proxy-content", "foreman proxy", ["blah"])

 if katello_backup.accepted_scenarios.include? katello_backup.last_scenario
diff --git a/katello/katello-change-hostname b/katello/katello-change-hostname
index b5029c0..e4d5f8d 100755
--- a/katello/katello-change-hostname
+++ b/katello/katello-change-hostname
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
 require "/usr/share/katello/hostname-change.rb"

-hostname_change = KatelloUtilities::HostnameChange.new("Foreman Proxy", "Foreman Proxies", "foreman-proxy-content")
+hostname_change = KatelloUtilities::HostnameChange.new("Foreman Proxy", "Foreman Proxies", "foreman-proxy-content", nil, nil, ["blah"])

 if hostname_change.accepted_scenarios.include? hostname_change.last_scenario
diff --git a/katello/katello-restore b/katello/katello-restore
index e0f7bca..c3fce8f 100755
--- a/katello/katello-restore
+++ b/katello/katello-restore
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
 require "/usr/share/katello/restore.rb"

-katello_restore = KatelloUtilities::Restore.new("foreman-proxy-content")
+katello_restore = KatelloUtilities::Restore.new("foreman-proxy-content", ["blah"])

 if katello_restore.accepted_scenarios.include? katello_restore.last_scenario
[root@change-hostname-34 katello]# ./katello-backup /backup
This utility can't run on a non-katello system.
[root@change-hostname-34 katello]# ./katello-restore /backup
This utility can't run on a non-katello system.
[root@change-hostname-34 katello]# ./katello-change-hostname -u admin -p changeme -d foo.example.com
This utility can't run on a non-katello system.

An error message is displayed when you pass in a parameter that is not an accepted scenario to the classes

jturel commented 6 years ago

@johnpmitsch All the porting of recent changes (from 9-14 to present) look good!

johnpmitsch commented 6 years ago

@ehelms can you look over the recent changes?

johnpmitsch commented 6 years ago

@evgeni This is meant to be a "step in the right direction" change to start the utilities moving over to foreman-maintain. I am not sure I would want to change this to be a gem before doing that, I plan to start on the effort after this gets merged.

I agree on the further DRYing up of the classes, but wanted to keep things simple in this first refactoring and then follow up with smaller additional changes (moving other scripts into classes and removing duplicate commands). I would rather merge this first so any additional changes anyone makes to the three refactored scripts can use this structure and I don't have to keep manually applying changes to master to this PR. Of course, as always, I'm open to discussion :)

johnpmitsch commented 6 years ago

@evgeni I updated according to your suggestions, can you give it a second look?

ehelms commented 6 years ago

@johnpmitsch I merged your man-page PR and I think I broke the spec file. Please rebase.

ehelms commented 6 years ago

@evgeni As stated, the general agreement and discussion was to do this a as a step towards foreman_maintain, without going full scale in creating a new gem, new packaging, new everything. While this will likely persist a full release, I don't agree with breaking it out at this time. Yes, it makes this place uglier, but the intent was to do as little as possible to re-factor into re-usable classes to facilitate easier re-use and a shortened timescale. Another way to look at it is, we want to fix the "bug" not turn this into a feature.

I should also note that I agree with @johnpmitsch in that, in this case, re-factoring here will lead to higher risk rather than lower risk due to the amount and complexity of changes that are introduced. By first wrapping existing functionality into classes with as few new methods as possible we retain the original behaviors enough to regression test easier. The more that changes, the more edge cases we potentially introduce on untested code.

The ideal move to foreman_maintain will introduce rubocop, and testing and a singular framework for use which will provide a lot more robustness.

ehelms commented 6 years ago

Looks like yet again a round of re-factors has occurred meaning this will need the full gambit of re-testing. Does that fall to you @jturel ?

johnpmitsch commented 6 years ago

@ehelms thanks, I rebased the man page, please double check it looks ok. @evgeni is going to take another look at the latest refactor

@jturel I would recommend holding off on testing until @evgeni takes a look and comments, that way we can save you some unnecessary testing if there are additional changes :)

johnpmitsch commented 6 years ago

@evgeni nice catch! I updated @jturel lets test this out again (hopefully for the last time)

jturel commented 6 years ago

I was able to verify all scripts against a 3.4 installation and a proxy!