To use the information in an invocation you need to know the name, and argument information. This is the first Expression with a clear usage, so it also requires a little pipeline work to lay the foundation for other expressions as I understand their use.
Invocation statements and expressions are not differentiated in the minds of most people (I don't think). Thus, Invocation statements will surface all the invocation expression information directly (redirecting).
I have provided Invocation support that I'm happy with (and testing in some CodeFirstMetadata work.
However, there is a remaining issues - which I will add as separate items.
Arguments are made in a knee jerk way in the invocation expression factory. In the same way a factory is used for the simple Referenced types, a factory should be use and shared with constructors. I do not currently plan reuse with attribute arguments, because they have some differences (use of equals), but I may reconsider this as i address that issue.
Under a separate issue, I'm doing a breaking change to IExpression and everything dependent. "Expression" is the initial expression string. It's language dependent and won't be updated on the fly (BuildSyntax exists to recreate the string). Thus the new name will be InitialExpressionString and a new property IntiialExpressionLanguage will be added to allow correct parsing.
Under a separate work item, I'm doing a breaking change to IExpression and everything dependent. "Expression" is the initial expression string. It's language dependent and won't be updated on the fly (BuildSyntax exists to recreate the string). Thus the new name will be InitialExpressionString and a new property IntiialExpressionLanguage will be added to allow correct parsing.
To use the information in an invocation you need to know the name, and argument information. This is the first Expression with a clear usage, so it also requires a little pipeline work to lay the foundation for other expressions as I understand their use.
Invocation statements and expressions are not differentiated in the minds of most people (I don't think). Thus, Invocation statements will surface all the invocation expression information directly (redirecting).