KatieKey / input_output_shiny_group

R Programming Final Project Group 1
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Final Report and Presentation #20

Open KatieKey opened 6 years ago

KatieKey commented 6 years ago

Final Presentations When: Thursday, December 14th 2-4pm

Final Report/Presentation Components:Rationale: Explain what you were hoping to achieve in writing the functions / app framework that your group created. • Idea development: Describe the different ideas your group explored. What were the biggest challenges in this stage? For any ideas that didn’t pan out, what were the key constraints? Also describe how you would tackle this problem if you were starting over. • Key functions: Describe the final functions / app framework you decided on. Explain why you picked these. For functions, include documentation for the functions: • Write a brief title for the function (< 8 words) and a brief description (3–4 sentences). • Define all parameters. For example, if you have a df parameter, explain that this is the dataframe that will be modeled / visualized. If it must have certain column with certain names, specify that. • Define what the functions will output (e.g., “A ggplot object showing ...” or “The model output object from running a ...”). • If you have a reference (e.g., for a model you’re fitting in the function), you can include that • If you want an extra challenge, try to use the Roxygen2 syntax in writing these descriptions. Otherwise, you can write them in code comments. NOTE: The helper.R file already contains all of our functions to clean the data. We can include the brief descriptions of the functions as code comments in this .R file. • Room for errors: So far, we have focused on getting working prototypes, without making sure they’re error-proof and robust to a user doing something non-standard. Identify three things a user could do that could make your functions “break” (i.e., either return an error message or return something other than what you hope they will). NOTE: We have ways to avoid this by being able to see raw data in Shiny app and using the visdat() function. • Next steps: Include a section where you describe what you think are interesting next steps, i.e., what you would pursue next if you were continuing work on this project. Lay out explicitly a few ideas (2–3) that you think would be helpful. Be sure, when relevant, to describe how feedback from the project researchers helped in forming these ideas for next steps. NOTE: One idea could be to combine Excel files if they had, for example, 3 efficacy templates. This would be a function to combine data files by column names (AKA just adding on more rows).

• The presentation should be 15–18 minutes per group. • For functions, you should show both some of the code and an example of output during the presentation. NOTE: For output, we can embed out Shiny app into the presentation (see Shiny_Presentation.Rmd) • For the final report, the functions and their documentation should be in “.R” files. NOTE: This is the helper.R file. We can rename if we feel that would be more helpful. • For the final report, everything else will be in a Word report. You may reference the functions you created by name in this report. The report should be no longer than 5 pages (using default font size, line spacing, etc. for RMarkdown documents; if you include figures or tables that show output from your functions, these do not need to count towards that page limit). • Be sure to show examples of using your functions in your Word report. NOTE: Use Rmarkdown document to do this.

KatieKey commented 6 years ago

@eholbrook We received more information about the final report/presentation in class today (see above). Let us know if you have any questions! This information is also in the CourseNotes_Week15.pdf lecture slides from Dr. Anderson's GitHub.

KatieKey commented 6 years ago

Actions Items for Wednesday: Lizette - Update Shiny_Presentation Katie - Update Shiny App with other groups' functions Brian - Update draft report with new component headers Elle - Come back to us!!!!!