KatieKey / input_output_shiny_group

R Programming Final Project Group 1
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Adding in our own versions of templates, with columns added to allow summarizing #25

Closed geanders closed 6 years ago

geanders commented 6 years ago

@lvanzyl @KatieKey @eholbrook @bkim7690 : Excellent work on this project-- you've certainly had a challenging job, and you've ended up with some really nice, clean functions as well as a really nice template for the Shiny app.

To make the connection between the raw data and the functions for the other groups, we need to make the connection between your cleaned versions of the raw data and the summary data the other groups are using. As you have pointed out earlier, the templates ("Gates") that the research group gave us were missing some information we need to make those full connections. So, I've gone through and created (and will continue doing this tonight-- more pull requests to come) versions of the templates that add in the information that we need to make that link. We can give these to the research team and let them know that they will need to fill in our version of the templates with future data if they want to input it to the Shiny App. For the laser data, for example, our version of the template requires them to include the Mouse ID for each observation (which should be reasonable for us to ask for) and includes columns that give the information we need on dosage and dose interval, to be able to summarize the data and get to the summarized efficacy dataset format that groups 2 and 3 are using. I have created a file called "helper_revised.R", where I'll take the cleaning functions that you wrote in "helper.R", make some revisions I'd suggest (in particular, to pass through any added columns in our version of the templates), and then write a function to summarize the cleaned data your functions create so that we can put together the efficacy summary data frames directly from the raw data.

For our example templates, I'm creating mock data that should summarize down to look very, very similar to the efficacy summaries the other groups have been using. We may want to give users a chance to download these templates from the Shiny app interface, so they could just download copies, delete the example data, and fill it in with their own data.

I'll leave all of this in the "helper_revised.R" file for right now (as well as a new folder with the example templates), to make sure I don't mess up anything you're working on for the main app. Tomorrow in class we can talk about bringing them in to use in the App, and I can help make those revisions.