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CRON: Cost per click hourly cron job #28

Closed KatieP closed 11 years ago

KatieP commented 11 years ago

Hook google analytics into chargify cost per click for clients and charge clients weekly.

KatieP commented 11 years ago


//Bill clients weekly based on thier click throughs from posts

$date_1weekago = date() - 604800; $date2_now = date();

//The advertiser to who creates a post, get all their posts in an array

$author = ;

for the $author

get all post name by $author

//Get the total clicks for the posts for the last 7 days

between $date2_now and $date_1weekago

return google analytics for the outbound clicks for all the posts for the author

add the clicks together, return a total

$post_click_sum = ;

//Link the author ID to the chargify client ID

$author_as_advertiser = ;

//Check what cap plan they are on

$cap = ;

//Work out sum to bill client as clicks x CPC

$weekly_clicks = $post_click_sum;

//Check is under cap

if $weekly_clicks < $cap {

return $weekly_clicks as $quantity;

} elseif $weekly_clicks > $cap {

return $cap return $quantity;


//We only send the amount of clicks to chargify. It does the billing.

//Variables for chargify

$subscription_id = ;

$component_id = ;

//Send a post request with Json data to this URL

$url = 'https://greenpages.chargify.com/subscriptions/' . $subscription_id . '/components/' . $component_id . '/usages.json';

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d ' "usage":{ "id": $subscription_id, "quantity":$quantity }' $url

Feature: Chargify Metered Component Usage JSON API In order integrate my app with Chargify As a developer I want to record metered usage for a subscription

Background: Given I am a valid API user And I send and accept json

Scenario: Record metered usage Given I have 1 product And the product family has a metered component And I have an active subscription to the first product And I have this json usage data """ { "usage":{ "quantity":5, "memo":"My memo" } } """ When I send a POST request with the json data to https://[@subdomain].chargify.com/subscriptions/[@subscription.id]/components/[@component.id]/usages.json Then the response status should be "200 OK" And the response should be the json: """ { "usage":{ "id":@auto generated@, "quantity":5, "memo":"My memo" } } """ And a usage will have been recorded


KatieP commented 11 years ago

'INSERT INTO wp_usermeta SET meta_key="advertiser_status", meta_value="active", user_id = "2"'

'INSERT INTO wp_usermeta
SET meta_key="productID", meta_value="27023", user_id = "2"'

'INSERT INTO wp_usermeta
SET meta_key="chargifyID", meta_value="27023", user_id = "2"'

KatieP commented 11 years ago


jesse-browne commented 11 years ago
