KatjaGlassConsulting / ApprovalBundle

A Kimai Plugin to manage weekly approval workflow
MIT License
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Kimai v2 latest #22

Closed vitormattos closed 7 months ago

vitormattos commented 7 months ago

Hi @KatjaGlassConsulting I fixed more issues and I think that #21 was solved now (but I didn't tested).

Now, I identified a problem when reject a week. When I click at button "reject", don't do nothing.

But, I was able to approve a work week now with success.

I followed doing all commits separated to be more easy to do the review.

KatjaGlassConsulting commented 7 months ago

The overtime also has some issues. I am still struggeling with the API. Does these work in your environment? You can to click your profile -> API access and then click the book icon "swagger api doc". When you have defined an api key, on the swagger api you can test it by authorization (use your username and api passoword) and then go to the api endpoint to test.

The swagger API doc does not open for me "{"code":500,"message":"Internal Server Error"}" - when I remove all approval APIs (rename .php to .php_ for example), then the doc is up and running.

Nevertheless, I already merge so that can be used as base.