KatjaGlassConsulting / ApprovalBundle

A Kimai Plugin to manage weekly approval workflow
MIT License
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Auto Submit for Previous Weeks? #38

Closed corrigenda-admin closed 3 months ago

corrigenda-admin commented 3 months ago


This is more a feature request, currently when someone tries to Submit a week but missed a week it comes up with the warning:

"Please add previous weeks to approve".

When people have a couple of weeks off on holiday, they have to go back and do previous weeks. Is it possible to get it to auto submit any previous weeks by default? Like a round up? Wasnt sure if thats possible?



KatjaGlassConsulting commented 3 months ago

Hi Mike,

I think such a functionality might quite often be ticked also accidently. I would recommend to always check-in every week for approval after review, otherwise a week might be accidently submitted without even checking. Personally I think the risk is higher than the benefit. For this I close this issue, but I will include this into the "Discussions" sections, as if more find such a thing useful, it might become implemented.