KatjaGlassConsulting / ApprovalBundle

A Kimai Plugin to manage weekly approval workflow
MIT License
11 stars 14 forks source link

Approval without duration #4

Closed kevinpapst closed 1 year ago

kevinpapst commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to add a mode where you do not have to specify the daily working times?

I am sure you have valid reasons in your use-case. But I see many scenarios, where you want to approve / reject times without the necessity of checking daily working times.

Times change and working contracts do not require to have such a setup nowadays 😁

KatjaGlassConsulting commented 1 year ago

Hi Kevin,

thanks for this feature request. This would make the plugin more generic, you are right. I will keep it as active issue open. But I will currently not be working on this - likely not this year.